Video Conferencing Kit Deployments

This Wiki article is useful to narrow down the room for each Video Conferencing Kit that can be deployed to in specific rooms.

Logitech Group Video Conferencing Kit- Consist of a Camera, Remote Control, Speakerphone, Expansion Mics, Small Tripod, Hub and cables.

Designed for large conference rooms and big classrooms.

Rooms: This kit is most ideal for classroom use.

Logitech Connect - Consist of a all in one Camera microphone and speaker, Remote control, power and usb cable

Design for smaller conference rooms to sit in front of the meeting room to capture everything in front of the camera.

Rooms: 262M, 306H

Owl Cam- Consist of an all in one Camera microphone and speaker. Has power cable and usb cable

Best for huddle rooms and smaller spaces


Huddly Cam - Camera and microphone.

With Genius Framing, Huddly IQ detects the people in its field of view, smoothly zooms in on them and frames them.


Crestron UC-SB1-CAM- Consist of an all in one built in Smart Soundbar & Camera.

Designed to be mounted under a display to capture the meeting participants.


DTEN- Consist of All-in one built-in system. Display, camera, microphone, speaker, and interactive display.
