Office of Academic Affairs
Steven D. Hoelscher, Associate Dean
The mission of Academic Affairs is to foster and support excellence at every level of academic life in the college, including faculty recruitment and retention, curriculum management, and degree administration. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs works with faculty committees and key staff to ensure that academic policies and requirements for Liberal Arts degrees continue to meet the College's commitment to academic and intellectual excellence. Our office works with faculty in the following areas:
Curriculum Administration
The Office of Academic Affairs oversees the development and implementation of degree programs, majors and minors, concentrations, certificate programs, and general curriculum and degree-related criteria. For more information on curriculum affairs and degree information visit:
Course Management
The Office of Academic Affairs works with the Faculty Council and School of Undergraduate Studies on recommendations for Course Proposals. For information on procedures for submitting University-level Core Course Proposals, Core Flag Proposals, Signature Courses, and College-level Course Proposals visit:
Academic Policies
UT faculty are expected to adhere to University guidelines on degree- and course-related academic policies. For information on these policies, including Conference Course Policies, Final Exam Policies, Small Class Policies and Petition Procedures, and Syllabus Requirements, visit:
Faculty Affairs
The Office of Academic Affairs works with Liberal Arts departments and faculty on College Research Fellowship (CRF) and Liberal Arts and University-wide Teaching Award submissions, numerous academic and policy-related faculty review committees, and faculty-related policies and expectations. For more information on Faculty Affairs visit:
Additional Expectations, Guidelines and Policies for New Faculty
The following guidelines address some of the most common and important issues that confront faculty during the academic year. Additional details on any of these topics can be obtained from department chairs or the Dean's Office.
Academic (Scholastic) Dishonesty
All faculty should inform students at the beginning of each semester that academic (scholastic) dishonesty will not be tolerated and that incidents of dishonesty will be reported. When a faculty member suspects a student of academic dishonesty, published guidelines should be followed. Guidelines and reporting forms are available in the Undergraduate Office in your department, the Office of Student Affairs, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Faculty should review Appendix C, Subchapter 11-402 in the General Information publication, Office of the Registrar website:
All faculty are expected to participate in the advising process for both graduate and undergraduate students. Advising procedures differ among departments and may change from time to time, hence it is important to contact the designated undergraduate advisor for your department to determine your specific responsibilities for each registration period.
Course Instructor Surveys
The Course-Instructor Survey is the University's primary tool for soliciting feedback from students about their courses and the faculty who teach them. For more information on course instructor surveys and other means of assessment, including sample questionnaires, visit:
Faculty Travel
An approved Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) is required for all faculty travel (prior to travel) during periods that they are on the UT payroll (including grants and contracts). Teaching responsibilities during travel must be carried out by qualified substitutes. Class hours should not be changed because of travel. Registration and final examination periods are particularly sensitive times, and travel should not be undertaken during these times unless absolutely necessary. Excessive travel involving absence from teaching will not be approved. Further information and policies are available on the College website:, and UT Travel Management Services:
Graduation Ceremonies
Each faculty member is expected to participate in his/her share of graduation ceremonies. These rituals are important to our students, their families, and their friends. The College of Liberal Arts holds graduation ceremonies each year. Faculty are also encouraged to attend the university's commencement ceremony in May.
Leave from the Instructional Budget or Leave Without Pay
A faculty member may request a leave from the instructional budget or leave without pay for one or both semesters of an academic year. During the period of leave, part or all of the faculty member's salary is paid from research funds or an outside funding source and the minimum required teaching load is reduced accordingly. When contemplating a leave from the instructional budget, a faculty member should first consult with his/her department chair to be sure that the teaching load planned for the faculty member can be adequately covered. While on leave the faculty member must be engaged in activities that contribute significantly to the professional development of the faculty member and to the education and research programs of the college. Faculty who accept Faculty Research Assignments and College Research Fellowships agree to provide one year of service to the university upon completion of the assignment. The university requires that year of service or monetary reimbursement of salary paid. Further information and policies are available on the College website:
Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities
Professional consulting is encouraged as long as it contributes to the professional development of the faculty member and does not interfere with teaching, research, and other duties at the university. It is the policy of The University of Texas at Austin to provide a transparent system of disclosure, approval and documentation of employees’ activities outside of the university that might otherwise raise concerns about conflicts of interest or conflicts of commitment.nnPrior approval using the official form must be obtained for all outside activities:
Syllabus Requirements
The policy and information on House Bill 2504, which requires the public posting of course syllabi and instructor-of-record curriculum vitaes, can be found on the Provost's site:
The Faculty Innovation Center outlines required content and offers some additional tips on what to include in the syllabus.