Faculty Annual Reports & Publications Database
To provide information to departments about college policies and procedures related to the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) and Publications Database requirements.
Relevant Definitions:
FAR: Faculty Annual Report or Faculty Activity Report; technically formally called “Annual Report by Faculty Member for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, _____”. (see screenshot).
Required to be submitted by every faculty member on a yearly basis: “Responsibility for submitting annual reports and for keeping their personnel files up-to-date with any new material concerning teaching activities, research, scholarship, publications or public service rests with the individual faculty members.” (HOP 2-2160)
Is a report of the completed prior academic year’s activities; e.g., the FAR due in October 2023 will be reporting on AY2022-23.
Used for annual review of faculty and other faculty review processes.
There is an online FAR system maintained by the Provost Office.
Publications Database: part of the Provost Office’s web-based Faculty Information Systems suite; meant to be maintained by individual faculty members as record of their publication activities; if a faculty member accesses their Faculty Profile page, they can access this by clicking "Update Scholarly Work":