Quest EID/UIN Issues

Quest EID/UIN issues happen when a student has 2 or more active UT EIDs. UIN is a DBMS sub-identifier field of an EID. It is used by the UT mainframe as well as Quest to identify a unique person (ie Joe Smith of Austin vs Joe Smith of Houston).

The problem will Identify itself as follows:

  • The student will write in and say they can’t access their material,
  • They are getting an error page
  • This can happen anytime during the semester when a person who uses Quest has more than one UT EID

Another example is when a student has a UT EID in high school and mistakenly gets an additional UT EID when they start college at UT.

You must have the students old UT EID as well as their new UT EID:

  1. login to Quest sysadmin and click Users tab
  2. Enter student old UT EID and click Find button
  3. In the Associate records with new UTEID field enter the new UT EID and click Change
    • A mesg should be displayed with a warning and another mesg when this is complete
  4. Go back to the UTEID or UIN field and enter the students new UT EID and click Find
    • All Quest coursework should be displayed.
    • If this does not happen please contact Quest System Admin team to resolve the problem.
  5. When the problem is resolved, email the student asking them to log into Quest.​