CARE Counseling

Our CARE Counselor is Danie White. Her walk-in office hours are Wednesdays and Fridays from 1pm - 2pm in JES A115K. Her phone number is 512-471-2992. She also has office hours with the College of Education on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1pm - 2pm in SZB 212E.

More information about Danie can be found here -

CARE Counselors are available for outreach, consultation, case management, individual/group counseling, crisis support and liaison to CMHC.

UGS Staff can refer students using the referral form.

Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC)

(512) 471-3515

Student Services Building, 5th Floor, M-F 8-5

Telephone Counseling Hotline (24 hours): (512) 471-CALL

Behavioral Concerns Advice Line (BCAL)

(512) 232-5050

A phone-in service that provides students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to discuss concerns about an individual’s behavior and may not know how to best address them/the situation. BCAL can access campus and community support networks that optimize the chance that the individual will receive needed assistance.