RGJGFINX Final Exam Jobs- Reports
Below are all jobs ran by us via Mainframe, or by IT throughout the final exam process. Reference here for details on what each job does.
Access these jobs via the Mainframe:
TXTASK->Command: SSJ->Name: RGJGFINX->Version: P->Job Group: RG
RGJN153D – NRRD153D – print exceptions (4 parts).
- We check for uniforms without make-up. Uniforms without exams need to have make-up exams created with students taking being 10% of uniform exam
- Classes which 'should not' have an exam. Verify with dept. final exam scheduler as necessary and change exam to 'N'. This report is similar RGJN153K report.
- Classes with exam period '0'. Verify with dept. final exam scheduler as necessary and change period or set exam to 'N'.
RGNW153C (2 parts) – Courses with blank switches and a report only showing comments. All exams should be 'N' or 'Y'. If blank switch appears we need to investigate. Blank switches can occur if cross-listed sections report conflicting exam switches, or sections are added late. Notes should be addressed. See RGJN153J documentation for more information about addressing notes.
RGJN153J – 153J is a report of user final exam requests (Reflects what is on *NREXAM, REQ screen). We actively work this report during exam reporting and use it to double-check initial bulk scheduling of exam requests. See documentation for more details. \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Final Exams\How to Documentation\Reports-How to Run & Check\How to run job RGNW153J.docx
RGJN153P – List of exams in departmental rooms. Review to address dept. conflicts before RGJN153F & RGJN153G run (Dean's report). We check this report for conflicts in non-GPCs. NOTE: This report lists buildings alphabetically so final exams with more than 1 room will be separated.
RGJN153A – (4 parts): 1. Instructor names not found in NROPHOME (not used anymore) 2. Home department not found 3. Titles not identical 4. End times not identical. We use this report to look for irregularities prior to, and after reporting although in many instances it is due to cancelled sections. Z:\Final Exams\How to Documentation\Reports-How to Run & Check\How to run and check NRNW 153A.docx
RGNW153B – List of exam with multi-sections. We check this report to ensure there is only one master unique for each exam. When assigning a master unique, we typically choose the department that reported the exam. If unsure, contact dept. final exam scheduler.
Uniform exams with no, 'exam with,' uniques (uniform exam with only one unique scheduled) will not appear on this report.
RGNW153K – Exceptions/Master unique numbers with 0 enrollment. We check this report for courses reporting exams that have 0 enrollment, are cancelled, have 0 credit value or master unique discrepancies. Typically these courses should not have final exams.
RGJN153X – Non-update versions of NRNW1535. We check this report to look for discrepancies between exam reporting for courses that meet together.
RGJN1496 – Exam Schedule sorted by period/building/room. This report lists all exams by period, building and room. This report is used in checking for conflicts and is updated on a weekly basis post-publication. NOTE: This report groups rooms by unique numbers so a final exam using more than 1 room will have multiple rooms listed together even if not in building order.
*-WB classes with no TL will not show up on this report, even if they are scheduled in REQ and SCH.
RGJNFXST (No separate documentation on this job) – List of exam period, number of unique numbers and students taking. We use this report to estimate number of sections and students taking are in each exam period. Also a good report to use when we need to know estimates of how many students are impacted by a specific exam period issue.
Use this report to determine additional uniform exam periods that can be added, and to schedule large exam requests based on seat availability estimates. As of 2017, ~7500+ seats is max capacity for a single exam period. (ie, If a period is at 7,000 seats already, it's not a good candidate for additional large exam requests expecting decent sized rooms.)
RGJN1498 – Uniform/makeup exams list. Used to be mailed out to departments.
Dean's Memo Jobs
The following jobs are sent to deans and directors following the close of final exam reporting:
RGNW153F – Dean's report of courses with changed exam times
RGNW153G – Dean's report of courses with no exam and uniform exam
ITS Final Exam Jobs (Update)
The following jobs are run by ITS via invitation on the Outlook calendar as well as email reminders:
NRNW1532/1533/1534 – Loads rooms in *NREXAM SCH for room preparation and scheduling.
Check that input values are correct, and that jobs completed without error. 1532 should reflect input of current YYS and YYS+1 and output of each GPC in the current term. 1533 and 1534 should reflect input of current YYS+1 and output showing the count of the rooms (including <blank blank> and <bldg blank> rooms). Check that rooms are populated in NREXAM SCH screen, by YYS and exam period. *For summer: ITS must blank input for F, N, W and 'S' for Second.
NRNW1530 – Initializes final exams switched to 'N' (No). No report; only control card. Spot check uniques for 'N' (this is done by IT. Template email below)
NRNW1531- Updates exam periods for final exams. This applies to uniform, make up and exams that have changed periods. No report; only control card.
NRNW 1535- Ripples 'yes' exam data to cross-listings. Output tells us discrepancies in switches between meets with or multi-sections. No report; only control card.
NRNW 1537 – Loads exam requests from NREXAM REQ to SCH for scheduling. Report will show all non-GPC requests. Be sure to check that the class enrollments are in descending order on the right side of the *NREXAM SCH page. *For summer: ITS must have the term specified, i.e. YYS(t): 196f
NRNW 1492 – Loads *NREXAM SCH to REQ. Report showing courses that did not receive their requested room. We are concerned with final exams that did not get their meeting room. Many times it is due to a clerical error i.e. assigning CLA 0.102 instead of CLA 1.102. Note: when a course does not receive their meeting room it is best practice to notify them and let them know why.
NRNW 0189 – Loads *NREXAM SCH to RRS. Confirmations are 11111-YYS_ExamPeriod e.g. (11111-15901).Report showing potential conflicts or rooms unavailable. Most conflicts will be with building and control hours or construction. Anything else is most likely an actual conflict.
NRNW 153A is a method or checking the course file for problems that might affect final exam scheduling. It is a report rather than an update job, and thus can be run by us at any time. It is perhaps more useful to the course file team than us, but it does provide us with valuable information on classes that are "meets with" or "same as" classes and that contain discrepancies which must be corrected before final exam scheduling occurs.
Ordering Job: NRNW 153A is ordered in TXTASK under job group RGJGFINX, Version P, Dept. RG.
Timeline: It is important to run NRNW 153A it at the beginning of a final exam scheduling cycle to check for problems with the course file before final exam scheduling. NRNW153A should be checked at least twice prior to the opening of final exam reporting.
The output from NRNW 153At is divided into four parts:
For all reports ignore 'Cancelled' classes, typically denoted as –CAN-
1. Titles Not Identical
Classes which seem to meet together, meaning they meet at the same time in the same room, but whose titles do not match, are printed in this section. Many of the titles will show up as discrepant because the abbreviation is different, or the title is slightly different between the courses. Some meets-with groups will be writing component courses and should be "-W", but this does not apply to graduate courses. Most of the time you don't need to do anything more than glance at these problems – as long as the classes are showing up as meets-with and have the same instructor, they can almost always be counted as ok.
2. Home department not found/course cancelled
This section lists class groups which seem to meet together and for which the instructor of record's home department can't be found. The first thing to remember is to ignore the courses with
CANC in the "cancelled" column and only look at those groups with active courses. There should be an asterisk by the home department, but it may take some research in the directory to find out which department an instructor belongs to. When you have this information, you can update NROPHOME in *TXTABL with the "add" command.
**We no longer update NROPHOME in *TXTABL for final exam purposes, this part of the report is for informational use only.
3. MW/SA Discrepancies
Courses listed here "seem to meet together", meaning they have the same room/time and list MW/SA classes which can't be found. Note that any course with more than six cross-listings will automatically show up on this list. They only have to be checked to make sure all of the cross-listed courses are present.
The program puts courses into "seems to meet with" groups for checking in two ways:
- Courses with no meeting times are grouped together by instructor names;
- Courses with meeting times are grouped together if they have the same day, beginning time, building, room.
If there are courses listed as MW/SA that didn't show up as part of the group, the computer will go looking for these and list them as "possible strays" or print the message "not found".
4. End times not identical
Classes in same room that start together but don't end together
Template for NRNW 1530
YYS ITS - Jobs Census Day
Function: Initialize Final Exam Requests
CCYYS(t): 20176
Special instructions: Run after close of business (6pm works); should not be sequenced with any other job
Routing: All final exam jobs should route output to: RGSCHED_DISK_EXAM
Please run the following job for 20176 exam processing to initialize the exam switches in class 'N' today (20172 census date). NRNW1530— for 176 initializes final exam switches to "N" or blank; sets exam requests to No Exam for courses which have been canceled, have no meeting time, have credit value of 0, or are one of the following fields of study: ART, LAW, N, P A, STC
This job should run independently and should not be networked with any other jobs. We would like this to run after 6pm today. The input YYS is 176 (if the input screen indicates YYS + 1, it would be 177).
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