Dean’s Memo
Last updated 4/29/19 MNP
The dean's memo is a memo and two reports that is sent out after the final exam reporting system closes. We give 5 business days for long semesters and 1 business day for summer semesters for the deans to review the final exams requested and make any necessary changes by sending us the request via email. During this time, the only changes that should be made are those that are sent to us by a dean; all other changes should wait until after dean's memo is over, or should go through the dean of the department. (See email template below)
- For the Dean's Memo we run jobs in RGJGFINX:
- RGNW153F Deans' report of classes with changed exam times (will spit out to scheduling server)
- RGNW153G DEANS' REPORTS OF CLASSES WITH NO EXAM AND UNIFORM EXAM (will spit out in 'Final Exam Reports' folder in scheduling server)
- Open RGNW153G in word (should spit out as a text file)
- Make margins 'narrow' (0.5 margins for all margins)
- Decrease font 4 times until page numbers are on top right (last time we used 7 point font, was a bit small)
- For RGNW153G make into landscape (this may not be necessary)
- Export as a PDF (save as "CCYYS Uniform and No Exams")
- Change title of RGNW153F to "CCYYS Changed Exam Periods"
- ****Send these attachments using template (below), and post the memo as a PDF and reports in canvas.****
- To create memo PDF: copy and paste email into word document.
- Double click the top of the page to open up the header.
- Use the Formal logo of the Office of the Registrar and input it into the header.
- Correct any spacing issues, and save as a PDF.
- Post PDF to canvas under proper semester
- The day dean's memo closes, a job should be run by Aaron (NRNW1537) that inputs all REQ screen selections into the SCH screen. There should be a calendar reminder scheduled for the day dean's memo ends, which Aaron should be invited to.
Email Templates
Template for change requests from non-dean level users:
Any changes requested by non-dean level users should be directed to the deans (or made to wait until after the dean's memo is over). A suggested email template is below:
Thank you for reaching out to us about this change. Currently, academic deans are reviewing the final exam requests for their college or school. Since the final exam reporting period closed on February 17, 2016 and the Dean's Memo has already been sent out, I encourage you to reach out to your dean level users to request this change on your behalf before the February 26th deadline for dean level changes. Alternatively, you can send us this request after the Dean's Memo period closes on February 26, 2016 and we can make the change as time and resources allow.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or answer any other questions.
Dean's Memo
This should be sent from
Truman Glenn
Should also be posted in Canvas
TO Academic Deans
FROM Truman Glenn, Assistant Registrar
DATE June 18, 2014
SUBJECTFinal examination report, summer 2014
Please review the attached reports of requests for final examinations as provided to us by staff in your college or school for summer first-term, nine-week, and whole-session classes.
These reports include the following, if applicable:
- A list of classes that have requested a change in final exam period.
- A list of classes that have requested to give Uniform/Make-up exams.
- A list of classes that have requested that no final examination be scheduled.
Regulations governing final examinations are outlined in chapter 4 of General Information and include the following policies:
- With the approval of the department chair, an instructor may choose not to give a final examination.
- An instructor with a compelling reason to change the time of an examination must obtain the approval of the department chair and the dean of the college or school in which the course is taught before announcing an alternative examination procedure to the students.
If you have a change, please mark the new information on a copy of the report and return it to by Tuesday, June 24, 2014.
Please call 512-475-7600 or send e-mail to if you have questions or need additional information.