Mail Delivery Request
What is this form used for?
To request external shipment or pickup of packages or envelopes.
How to submit a Mail Delivery Request:
Login to the EM Customer Service Portal using the direct link above.
Remember to login using your EID email address
For more information on logging in go to EM Jira Service ManagementSummary: Enter a title of the request like a subject in an email.
Department: Select department from drop down menu.
Project/Item Name: Enter type of mailing project or item to be mailed.
What mail service would you like to use?: Select from drop down menu.
Shipping Address: Enter shipping address for the receiver of the item(s).
Number of pieces: Enter number of parcels needed.
Delivery date: Select date from pop-up calendar.
Comments/Additional information: Enter any special instructions regarding delivery.
Is this for Pickup or Delivery? Select option.
Note: If not logged in, there will be an option to input your EID email at the bottom of the request.
Click Send to submit request.
What happens next?
What if I have a question or need to provide additional information to my request?
There are two ways to contact Finance and Administration:
Need more assistance?
Contact EVPP Business Services at