SRR Notes

Data Acq

What they are?

  • Telemetry and race strat
  • Real time monitoring of the mech and elec systems
  • Sensors for mechanical system to understand more about the car


  • Current
    • Perif Dotter board
      • som
    • Adding "bunch of sensors" to make better system
  • IMU
  • Airflow
  • Temp sensor
  • TPMS
  • New sensors
    • Looking for Pedal pot
    • steering pot
      • There would help optimize the car/race strat
      • They can better map the real time tracking using the two
    • External temp sensors etc


  • Mechancial will use this post race to inform new decisions
  • CarCan Frequencies
    • 10hz and 5hz for regen
    • only regen new
    • want more data to be able to make better ML models
  • New sensors
    • They have a lot of sensors with a lot of different frequencies
    • these are all the sensors that they are adding
    • not as fast, just as needed for the data tracking
  • Dash informaiton
    • Will display new info every 2Hz
    • I missed this all tbh
  • Race Strat
    • Optimizing performance on race day
    • Outputing optimal speeds ever 3 seconds
    • modeling when we should be stopping the car for pitstops
    • Car modeling
      • Lots of sensor data
    • Time steps 1ms (interpolated)
      • road and weather related (again went through this really fast and really interpreted nothing
    • Importing data and do ml(?)
    • Live data intorpolated in 1sec introvals
    • output time every 3
    • ASC pit stops is where this shines
      • Figuing out how to optimize pit stops for the ASC race where we already have set pitstops


  • Controls get brake pot data first (for regen)
  • Do you know the power draw?
    • Mihgt want to ensure that there isn't too much power being taken to maintain all of these
  • Pressure sensor for down force? Where and why?
    • Back of car
    • You should do multiple sensors to do a pressure differenctial
  • Telmetry do we have to send things at real time?
    • Doesn't have to be sent in real time
    • Has its own CAN so not worried about putting too much load on a single can system
  • Why only one reading per min?
    • Good to have but just didn't think it was needed to be faster
  • Is there a link between huminidy and bat performance?
    • Yes there was things online about it
  • Did you look into other solvers for ODEs? (Solving for simulation)
    • they have done thier own calls using genetic algos where we get array of speeds before hand
    • more happened I missed this
  • Might want to look into sensors before going into this early to ensure that the CAN bus isn't overrun?
    • I^2C
    • Dont do conversions


M3 Focus

  • Driver safety
  • Efficient power useage
  • ease of use

New Features

  • Motor display and itnerior
    • Next gen will have updated regne and gear
    • 2 wheel drive
    • Distributes friction
    • Have you considered the fact that the two wheels go at different rates ie we would have to do diff math?
  • Cruse control
    • Updating ease of use by doing more things
  • Acceleration, one pedal mode
    • currently
      • Regen, const, accel are all just in zones and are hard limits
    • New
      • Taking pots and changing regen on any time its released (didn't tell me about the other stuff IE how you would stay at a const speed)
  • Display mods
    • Currently a static page, no nav/ controls
    • New
      • Multiple pages
      • driver navs the three modes
      • adding blind spot detection
      • Will swap to error screen when there are errors (bad IMO)
  • Steering
    • Trying to add more buttons onto the steering wheel
    • also wants switches on steering wheel
  • Cooling
    • Adding apot to change fan speed (wasnt I told that was bad cuz it uses same amount of power at all times)
  • Board mods
    • Moving to SOM (System on a model)
    • Modular and easy manufacturing and create uniformity
    • Will create more shielded info since its convered
  • Display modifications
    • Programable
    • UART for com
    • low power consumption (should try to put a number on this)
    • STM32 MCU
    • Same or larger


  • What is blind spot monitoring
    • checking with a distance sensor
  • Where is display located and sash located
    • Dispaly is to the right
  • Dispalys all look like hats that would require some wiring since ts being used in a way they arent intended for?
  • how is the one pedel mode worse than the new way?
    • Most pedals use the newer way and WE think that the new way is more intuitive
  • Are we looking into other ways/better

Power Gen SRR

  • we have better commercially available solar cells
    • Mppt has to change if we want to use COTS parts
  • Swapping from Gen 2/3 to 6/7
    • 2/3 are at End of life so they are more expensive now
    • 6/7 are easier to manufacture in theory and larger
      • Change in size will up voltage and require changes to MPPT
  • Changes
    • Up from 125 to 166mm
    • they up the currents which will require MPPT to have bigger inductors and conductors
  • Telemetry changes
    • Black body A (array temp and irradience sensors)
    • Uses spi to read with the MISO and MOSI lines are flipped and its causing them to have to use software to fix it
    • simplifying Blackbody A to a single RTD chip from 8 and a decoder
    • Choses which RDT to turn on


  • Sims to check draw
    • Matthew already wrote sims

Power System

  • wants a power board redesign to avoid logic ops at 12v
  • High current draw in fault state
  • HV design
    • Charging efficiency from the batteries an arrays ( Batter temp >45)
  • They think that if they dual charge they could charge more
  • They seem to not fully understand how this was designed in the past (AKA since they didn't design it they dontn know it all)
  • Thinks they can optimize things by using a board instead of as buttons
  • Battery pack concerns
    • Brained wires are exposed and stuff
    • solder joints are unreliable and prone to failure
    • voltage taps and thermistors are really messy
    • Overall seem to be on moudulatey and cost over efficiency and safety
      • Should talk to the ppl who design this in the past
    • Wants to find better ways to connect the wires 
  • Cell manufacturing (Why are we characterizing all of the cells? Like what is the purpose/benefit)
    • Takes a long time since they are wanting to check and characterize each and every cell
      • would take over a year
    • New plan is to do batch testing in boxes
    • current charging and balancing is janky/unsafe so they are planning on making a PCB that can just do the testing on its own
    • Just checking to see how close they are to eachohter
  • Ignition switch
    • Unnecessary transfer of signal to and from the same boards which adds to potential points of failure