Battery Box Corner Bracket Sims

These two pictures show the maximum strain, or the maximum deformation of the bracket. 


The Maximum Principal Elastic Strain and Maximum Principal Stress were calculated. I have no idea what any of those words mean but I was looking for maximum deformation and they had the word 'maximum' in them.  


I assumed a 100N force that ramps from 0 to 25N in 0.1 seconds then 25 to 100N in the remaining 0.9 seconds. Material used was the default ansys structural steel material. 


This configuration of the bracket has 3mm thick walls on all sides, compared to the 5mm thick walls of the initial configuration.  

If the bracket has the two tall sides created via folding and then the bottom square is welded on, we can make the bottom much thicker. A reevaluation of the simulation using the hole in the bottom face as the fixed support and an updated force of 250N revealed a 1.5mm to 2mm deformation of this bottom hole. Such forces would be encountered in a crash and the extra thickening of the bottom face would be beneficial.  

The new 250N force was obtained by multiplying the battery mass (20kg) by 5 (a 5G crash is assumed) and 9.8 (1G). This yields a force of around a 1000N which is then divided by 4 (the number of brackets). This force ramps up from 0 to 250N in 0.1 seconds.  

To better resist forces from the batteries in a crash, Cesar has recommended to add additional holes in the bottom panel at one end of the battery box. A bracket would be added, attaching the battery banks directly to the bottom panel which lessens the load on the brackets and the side walls (side walls are made of honeycomb and not as strong as the walls made of foam). 

These two pictures show the stress, or force felt by the bracket