External Advising Committee page (EAC)

  1. Create an Article with the EAC member's detail (or find an existing member article and copy)
  2. Enter member's name in Title field
  3. In body add member's title, company, city, and email with a line break in between. The term is it's own paragraph.
  4. Insert page break
  5. Add member's image (set Style to float-left) and bio below page break.
  6. Set category to External Advisory Committee
  7. In Option tab set Show Intro Text to Hide
  8. Save & Close
  9. Use the Search Tools to sort by Category - External Advisory Committee. 
  10. Change Select Status to Published.
  11. Change the ordering to Ordering ascending
  12. Change the number of articles to view to 50 to see more on the screen.
  13. Drag and drop the new article to its proper alphabetical placement.