Using a windows computer -- GVA2019

Using a windows computer -- GVA2019


Unlike Apple or Linux operating systems, the Windows operating system does not provide a simple tool to allow command line access to remote computers. While it is my understanding that Cygwin is commonly used by more advanced windows users to access remote systems, it's installation and configuration are a bit more involved than we want to tackle on our first day. Putty is a lightweight program that provides ssh access to the linux environment on TACC without a lot configuration required. Unlike other tutorials, this tutorial is presented as a cookbook set of steps to keep you from falling behind other students.


  1. Download and install putty on your laptop
  2. Use Putty to log into lonestar5


  1. Download and install the latest version of putty from the official website https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
  2. Open the putty.exe program and enter the following text in the "Host Name (or IP address)" section.
  1. Make sure the "SSH" option is selected.
  2. Save the session as "LS5" or something similar for future use.
  3. Enter your TACC id, your password and your multifactor authentication when prompted.

Return to Linux and Lonestar5 setup tutorial

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