FAR How-To

FAR How-To

The FAR system is a Provost-managed review system for the University of Texas.  Information entered from previous years is auto-imported. This means Faculty only have to add information from the most recent Academic Year in the FAR, and review prior information for errors/duplication.

Certify your works

  • All tenured and tenure-track faculty are required by the Provost to annually certify their scholarly works in the UT-central Publications Database. The database allows faculty to assign proxy users who can add/edit publication information prior to the faculty member personally certifying the publication list. You can add your publications one at a time, or through a batch upload process.

Check Listed Dates

  • Make sure a date is listed in the FAR's Scholarly & Creative Works, Conference Presentations, and Service & Activities sections.
  • Ensure "Year" / "Date" fields are filled in for all in the 3-year period being reviewed for.


There are several sections of the FAR that are auto-generated (e.g. Teaching). Be sure to carefully review these before submitting your FAR, and notify the EDP Executive Assistant of any errors.

 IMPORTANT: Be sure to check for "Double-Dipping" and correct as-needed:

The FAR system doesn't understand that there can be calendar vs. academic year overlap. Some publications, presentations, or activities may therefore be duplicated across years. If this is the case, you MUST manually remove it from your newest FAR so it will not be counted twice!

To Find & Correct Double-Dips:

View previous years' FARs by clicking "View" by the year you wish to see (on the FAR homepage):

Make note of any publications, activities, or presentations that are present in multiple FAR years.

In your new FAR, under the corresponding section, click "Make Adjustments"

You can then Remove the duplicates

Be sure to do this for Presentations & Service sections as well!


You must Click the "Review and Submit” button to submit your FAR once finished. After Submitting, check for a message at the top of the page in red detailing any missing/incomplete information - if you see that, submission was not successful. 

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