My Computer Is Not Printing, What Do I Do?

For Master's Students:

  1. Master's students who would like to print at the iSchool must use IT Lab resources (UTA 1.210) - you cannot print at the iSchool from your personal computer

  2. For more information and/or questions please contact the IT Lab:

For Faculty/Staff:

*if you cannot print and your print job is time sensitive we recommend using the print terminal computer in the South Copier Room (UTA 5.462)*

  1. Confirm that you are using a department-supplied computer. Printing is not permitted from personal computers. If you are using a personal computer you must print from either a departmental computer or from the print terminal in the South Copier Room (UTA 5.462)

  2. Confirm that you are on the "utexas" network (not "utguest") either by verifying that you have a wired connection or by checking your wi-fi settings

  3. Confirm that you are attempting to print to a printer with one of the following names: "INFO-SOUTH-BW-5.462", "INFO-STAFF-Color-5.330", or "INFO-MAIL-BW-5.526"


    1. If these printers are not available to you and you have followed the preceding steps, please send an email to

  5. If your computer does not print with all of the above confirmed, please send an email to

  6. If your print job is time sensitive we recommend that you utilize the print terminal computer in the South Copier Room (UTA 5.462)