Annual Performance Appraisals
To provide information on the policy and procedures related to annual staff performance evaluations in the College of Liberal Arts.
Relevant Definitions:
Employee: For this article, specifically refers to benefits-eligible, Classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P) staff employees in COLA. (A bit more info about these employee types can be found here.)
Supervisor: The person to whom the Employee reports. This person should also be the Manager of the employee in Workday. Note: If the employee's supervisor is Not the Manager to whom they report in Workday, please contact COLA HR.
HR Contact: Person who is responsible for HR-related duties for the COLA unit (department/center/institute/program/etc.) to which the Employee belongs. Usually the Department Manager, and/or "Senior Staff" member who liaises with the Dean's Office. Holds the HR Partner role in Workday.
Sup Org: Supervisory organization within Workday; ideally should reflect accurate reporting structure within a unit.
COLA HR: The College of Liberal Arts Human Resources team, led by Tamela Walker, Director. Contact Us
COLA Deadline: June 27
General Note:
Before starting the performance evaluation process, the Supervisor shall review the employee’s job responsibilities in Workday. (WIG)
If the responsibilities need to be updated in Workday, the Supervisor shall communicate the requested updates to the HR Contact(s) for their unit, and the HR Contact should make the Workday update(s) in a timely manner. (WIG)
Each unit has the choice of using the COLA appraisal form or conducting performance appraisals in Workday.
Each unit has a UT Box folder that includes a spreadsheet with a list of employees (as of March 10, 2025) required to have performance appraisals. If you notice any employees missing, contact COLA HR.
Tips for Employees:
Check out the UT HR "Staff Performance Appraisal Guide", especially Expectations of Employees, before starting your evaluation.
Workday users may also want to read Why Do a Self-Appraisal.
Tips for Supervisors:
Review the UT HR "Staff Performance Appraisal Guide", especially on Expectations of Managers and Tips for Writing Appraisals prior to completing "Manager" portion of evaluation in Workday.
If the Supervisor is not the employee's Manager within Workday, please work with your HR Contact to get this corrected.
For individuals completing their appraisals within Workday, please get this corrected prior to launching evaluations.
Policy and Forms:
UT Performance Appraisal Policy (HOP 5-2310)
COLA Staff Appraisal Form (revised 2018)
Other Related Links:
Performance Management (UT HR webpage)
Performance Appraisals (UT HR webpage)
Staff Performance Appraisal Guide (UT HR webpage)
Performance WIGs (Workday@UT webpage)