REQ Assignment Groups
REQ Assignment Groups
Assign all Travel REQs to your Area Head. For Purchases on Area funds, also assign to your Area Head. For purchases on your own R&T, you may assign directly to the TAD Finance Office. Tip: Choose “Add to Profile” while assigning an REQ, to add the group/EID to your dropdown for easy future re-use.
Acting area head (Davis): cd33632 (EID)
Dance area heads (Gionfriddo & Cox): 00327 (Group)
DTYC area heads (Simons & Dawson): 00298 (Group)
LDP area heads (Habeck & Cloyes): 00296 (Group)
PPP area head (Rossen): 00297 (Group)
PWD area head (Lynn): lynnke (EID)
TAD Finance Office: 00259 (Group)