Connect to a Shared Mailbox Through OWA

Connect to a Shared Mailbox Through OWA

How to log in or add a shared email account in the Outlook Web App.


For instructions on how to add a shared email account on the web app once already logged in to a personal work email, jump to step 5.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Access the Outlook Web App from browser of choice
    1. Outlook Web App link:

  2. Click on ‘Sign In’ and type in the Sign in window the shared mailbox account or personal work email address. Click next.

  3. A second sign in window should appear. 
    1. If signing in directly to the shared email account: Replace the shared email address with your personal work email address or EID and its corresponding password. Click on ‘Sign In’
    2. If signing in first to personal work email account: Enter password and click on 'Sign In'

  4. Authenticate with DUO
    1. Tutorial on how to set up DUO for the first time:
      Duo - Two Factor - Authentication - Mobile Phone - How to Authenticate Your Cell Phone

  5. Access to shared email account
    1. If signing in directly to the shared email account: You should now have access to the shared email account.
    2. If signing in first to personal work email account: You should now have access to your personal work email account. To now add a shared mailbox, click on your name on the upper right corner of your email webpage. Continue to step 6.

  6. From the drop-down menu select "Open another mailbox" and in the pop-up window type in the shared email address. 
  7. The shared email account should open as a new tab on your browser without requiring further authentication (if a permissions error screen shows up, contact your IT Coordinator). Therefore, you should have a tab for each mailbox you have open on the Outlook Web App.

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