Create New Loan Records

Create New Loan Records

Incoming and Outgoing loans are not interchangeable and have unique fields. Once created, you cannot reconfigure an incoming loan to an outgoing loan.

A loan record must have a Primary constituent link, otherwise it will not appear in certain queries or list views. (Troubleshooting this error, 4/22/24)

Incoming Loan

  1. Add new Incoming Loan with the new record button 
  2. Select Loan Type
  3. In Loan Number enter IL.2023. and click the ellipses button to generate the next available number for
    1. use current year, or upcoming year when loan period is expected to occur
  4. Click the to link the Primary Lender
    1. Remember, new constituents cannot be created from this loan record view. Create the constituent prior to creating the loan record, or proceed with creating the loan record and create the constituent 
  5. Loan Begin and End Dates require standard format dd/mm/yyyy
  6. Select Loan Purpose to indicate the context for the loan

Outgoing Loan

  1. Add new Outgoing Loan with the new record button 
  2. Select Loan Type
  3. In Loan Number enter OL.2023. and click the ellipses button to generate the next available number for
    1. use current year, or upcoming year when loan period is expected to occur
  4. Click the to link the Primary Borrower
    1. Remember, new constituents cannot be created from this loan record view. Create the constituent prior to creating the loan record, or proceed by creating the loan record and create the constituent after
  5. Loan Begin and End Dates require standard format dd/mm/yyyy
  6. Select Loan Purpose to indicate the context for the loan

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