Object and Record Numbers
ID Type | Complete | Part A | Part B | Part C | Part D |
Object Acc | 2020.1.1-x | yyyy | 1 | 1-x | |
Object Temp | PA2020.1 | PA | yyyy | 1 | |
Object PG | PG2020.1 | PG | yyyy | 1 | |
Not Accessioned | NA.2020.1 | NA | yyyy | 1 | |
Found in Collection | FIC.2010.1 | FIC | yyyy (year found) | 1 | |
Exhibition Loan | X.2020.AB.1 | X | yyyy | title abbreviation (xx) | 1 |
Loan Object (not part of temporary exhibition) | L.2020.1 | L | yyyy | 1 | |
Property | PR.2023.1 | PR | yyyy | 1 |
Exhibitions, Loans, Shipments, Other
ID Type | Complete | Part A | Part B | Part C | Part D |
Incoming Loan | IL.2020.1 | IL | yyyy | 1 | |
Outgoing Loan | OL.2020.1 | OL | yyyy | 1 | |
Incoming Shipment | IS.2020.1 | IS | yyyy | 1 | |
Outgoing Shipment | OS.2020.1 | OS. | yyyy | 1 | |
Exhibition internal/external | X.2019.WM | X | yyyy | title abbreviation (xx) | |
Conservation | C.2020.1 | C | yyyy | 1 | |
Crates Exhibition | CX.YYYY.XX.1 | CR | YYYY | Exh title abbr (XX) | 1 |
Bibliography Ref. # | RR.2022.1 | RR | yyyy | 1 |
Alternate Numbers
Add former inventory numbers or references to numbers from previous owners. Select the appropriate description in the table.
Lender’s collection number: inventory numbers of exhibition loans from other institutions or collectors
Previous number: number previously used by Blanton during acquisition process, a former loan number, promised gift number, or proposed acquisition number
To view alternate and previous numbers, use the Acquisition Cataloguing data view
Legacy Numbers
Descriptions of legacy numbering systems which have been discontinued. Three part numbers denoting accession lots were used through 1976.
U: Accessioned object from an unknown source and lacks provenance.
P: used as prefix for purchase, through 1976.
G: used as prefix for gift, through 1976.
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