Signatures, Marks, Inscriptions
Signed: The artist/maker’s signature and accompaniments (date, title, edition number). If work is not signed, leave field blank.
Inscription(s): Any handwritten, cut, scratched, or otherwise inscribed text, picture, line, or symbol
Mark(s): Any stamped, pressed, embossed, or pasted text or picture, including watermarks, manufacturer’s stamps, labels, and stickers.
location, medium: transcription [if applicable, a translation or description]
location, medium: description
General Guidelines:
- Transcribe all text as written. Do not correct misspellings and note illegible markings as [illegible], not misspellings at the end of the transcription with [sic] to indicate the misspelling is not a transcription typo.
- Each mark, signature, or inscription is recorded on its own line, with no extra line between multiple items.
- Add notes in brackets, including citations of watermark references
- For marks and inscriptions on the verso, include the support (stretcher, canvas, frame, etc)
- Do not abbreviate location, see reference chart below
Location grid
u.l. | u.c. | u.r. |
c.l. | c. | c.r. |
l.l. | l.c. | l.r. |
Signed: upper left: R. CORONEL 56
Signed: lower right, in conte crayon: R. Anguiano 1963
Signed: verso of right panel, on stretcher, in black ink: Rachel Hecker 1988
Mark(s): center right, watermark: [crown]
Marks(s): printer’s chop: [fox]
Mark(s): lower center, stamped in red ink, collector’s mark: F [image of owl] B [Lugt 977 and 978]
Inscription(s): lower left, in graphite: C17
lower right, in graphite: 204
verso upper left, in graphite: [ no. 24]
Inscription(s): verso upper center, in graphite: II88
verso lower center, in graphite: dev. 88II
Inscription(s): verso, on canvas, in black paint: BL0198 / Bert / 9-18-85 and PRESERVERANC [sic]
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