Onboarding Checklist - New Faculty

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UT systems access

Once APS receives the signed offer letter from a new faculty member and has accepted the PAR, the faculty member will have a “Future Faculty” appointment in Workday.

The future faculty appointment creates eligibility to gain access to UT systems and platforms; however, the faculty member will first need to upgrade their UT EID, which can be done either in person on campus, or online:


Future faculty can get Canvas access as soon as both a) their appointment is in Workday, and b) they have completed FERPA compliance training, required every two years. For more information, including a link to online FERPA training registration, see Canvas - College of Education - University Wiki Service (utexas.edu).

UT email

Future faculty are also eligible for UT Austin Office 365 mailboxes. See Office 365 Mailbox Creation and Lifecycle.

For assistance, submit a help ticket to the COE Information Technology Office.

Orientation sessions

New faculty should plan to attend all three of the following orientations, which cover very different topics:

  • New Faculty Launch hosted by the Provost each fall (spring-start faculty should plan to attend the following fall)

    • This replaces the Center for Teaching and Learning’s New Faculty Symposium effective fall 2024

  • Central HR's New Employee Welcome session

  • College of Education's New Faculty Orientation held each fall

Department processes - Tenured/tenure-track and professional-track

NTT hires: Create departmental personnel folder, and add PAR, signed offer letter, and other relevant paperwork. (Note: The Dean's Office does not keep personnel files for NTT faculty.)
Discuss Salary Spread option and how to sign up
Help faculty member sign up for Duo
Discuss COE Grant-Writing Workshop (COERA)
Request NRRECS authorization from *DPUSER contact
Add to Advisor's Toolkit: Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions (contact atk-help@austin.utexas.edu with questions)
New faculty orientation sessions:
University-wide: Center for Teaching and Learning. Contact Sarah Schoonhaven

Dean's Office processes - Tenured/tenure-track only

Create personnel folder on Box
Upload signed PAR and signed offer letter to personnel folder
Forward signed PAR cover sheets and signed offer letter to COE-Finance@austin.utexas.edu
Add to T/TT Lifecycle Microsoft List
Add to COE Faculty Affairs faculty data Microsoft List
Process relocation stipend; attach signed offer letter to Workday business process
Share new faculty contact info with Assoc. Deans for orientation invitation purposes - late July

Resources to share with new faculty members

Contributors to this page (Name, number of updates, most recent update):

Karla Steffen 8 (24 days ago)