Payment Vouchers
In Define, you can create and process payment vouchers. These are a type of electronic document that processes payment to vendors, reimbursement to employees, and reconciles procards. The various types of voucher payments are listed below with more information on each one.
Section on VPE:
VPEs are used to pay vendors for goods, for entertainment related purchases, and employee reimbursements (except when related to travel). They tend to be the most common voucher payment type that we process. The resources linked below can give you a better understanding of VPEs and how they work.
This VPE example video will walk you through the step-by-step process on how to process a VPE and how to submit the documentation that goes with a voucher. This video also contains basic info on Define including how to login in and understand the screens you will be reading. If you feel comfortable with Define already, here's a VPE example video without the extra details.
Section on VP1:
VP1s are another form of voucher payments. This type is used when the purchase includes alcohol and/or there was a Purchase Order for the purchase.
This VP1 example video will walk you through how to process a VP1.
Section on VP2:
VP2s are used to pay for services that do not have a purchase order or alcohol. Some examples of these are:
- Copier machine payments
- Academic membership payments
This VP2 example video will walk you through how to process a VP2.
Here's another example VP2 video - book reimbursement.
More training information can be found in the VPE_VP1_VP2 handout from Accounting and Financial Management (AFM).
Link to Webcast training: Payment Vouchers part 1 (55min)
Link to Webcast training: Payment Vouchers Part 2 (50min)
The slides from this webcast training can be found here.
Completed Packet for Payment:
Once your payment document is approved, you need to submit the back up documentation for final approval and payment. Compiling and submitting a completed packet video.
Section on VP7:
VP7s are used when an employee makes purchases on a procard, and that card must be reconciled every month. More information about procards can be found on the Procard Office website.
More training information can be found in the VP7 handout and these VP7 training slides from AFM.
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