Staff Position Reclassification

Staff Position Reclassification


Position reclassification is merited to Classified or Administrative and Professional (A&P) when the job duties of their position have changed significantly and are no longer consistent with the types of duties or responsibilities associated with the current job title/job profile. 


Relevant Definitions: 

Responsibilities: Consistent with Workday usage, refers to a position's assigned job functions, broadly described, for purposes of position description and/or job posting. 

Includes a description of the function(s) and a percentage (estimating the amount of time is spent performing tasks related to that responsibility).

Sup Org: Workday Supervisory Organization; the employees/positions that report to a specific Manager 

Supervisor: the person to whom an employee reports directly; should be the same as the Manager in Workday 

Incumbent: Employee in a position 


Note: COLA positions are only eligible to be reclassified effective September 1 or as part of a larger organization alignment.

(Units believing they have one or more staff position out of class alignment should plan accordingly.)


When a supervisor believes a position needs to be reclassified, they should follow these steps: 

  1. You’ll need to gather the following information before initiating the Reclassification Request Form in DocuSign:

    1.  Current responsibilities (max of 8), with percentages (minimum of 5% per). 

    2.  Proposed responsibilities (max of 8), with percentages (minimum of 5% per). You will want to clearly indicate how  the position has changed.

    3. Hire date and length of time incumbent has been in position.

      1. if employee's position has been previously reclassified, please note the date(s) of reclassification(s)

    4. Requested effective date of reclassification (Sept. 1). 

    5. If supervisor is not familiar with UT job profile requirements, they should confer with their HR contact to ensure:

      1. the proposed job profile is appropriate for the job functions;

      2. the salary fits within the job pay plan; and

      3. the current incumbent meets all required qualifications for job profile.

    6.  If you are requesting a salary increase in addition to the title change, specify the source of the funds and prepare a brief justification for using those funds. 

    7. Prior to submitting the reclassification request form, you will need to discuss the request with the COLA HR Director and Assistant Dean of Finance. 

  2. Complete the Reclassification Request Form

  3. Once your DocuSign form has been final-approved, download the "combined" (complete) version as a .pdf, labeled with the employee’s last name and date of approval.       

    1.  Ex. Smith_Reclassification_20211130.pdf 

Steps for HR Partner:

  1. In Workday, locate the employee’s position (either through the employee’s Profile page or via the sup org > Members tab).

  2. From the related actions menu of the Position, choose Positions>Edit Position Restrictions. Complete the Edit Position Restrictions business process. (Instructional Guide) The job duties must be updated prior to processing the job change.  

  3. Once you have edited the Position Restrictions, search for the Employee and choose Job Change > Start Job Change > Reclass > Change in Duties from the related actions menu. Complete the Change Job process for Reclassification. (Instructional Guide)

  4. Before you Submit the Change Job request (the overall process, prior to the Change Organization Assignments step):

    1. Be sure to upload the approved Reclassification Request .pdf, which the supervisor downloaded in Step 3. [see step #17 of the Change Job section of the Reclassification WIG.]

    2. Add a Comment to the overall process indicating you are reclassifying the position to (New Job Profile); include effective date and details, including if there will need to be a costing allocation change (w/account number) and new annual rate--if applicable; and approvals received. 

    3. IMPORTANT: If the worker's position is being reclassified from a Classified title to an A&P title, please note that there will be at least 2 important actions needed:

      1. the account number will need to change (if paid from a -10, will need to update costing (and position restrictions, if the position is budgeted) to reflect -09 - A&P salaries); this should be Noted in BP Comments and may require the HR Partner to do additional follow-up with COLA Finance team to ensure these updates are made.

      2. if the person in that position  has accrued any Overtime hours which have not been used, those unused hours will need to be paid out to the staff member. (See also Leave Payouts.)

Related Links:

Reclassification WIG

COLA Reclassification Request (DocuSign power form)

UT Pay Plan and Job Codes: https://hr.utexas.edu/manager/compensation/pay-job-codes



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