Faculty Travel Grants
The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost’s website details information on the 2024-2025 Faculty Travel Grants
- policies,
- how to apply,
- and eligible travel expenses.
In addition to the information on the EVPP website, the College of Liberal Arts provides this wiki page with additional information regarding FTGs.
COLA Eligibility Guidelines and Requirements:
The College of Liberal Arts provides the following policies in addition to the policies set by the Provost's office.
- Eligible faculty may apply for up to 2 conferences per academic year. Please note that the total amount of funding per year still remains at $1400. If the full amount is not used during the first conference, the faculty may apply to use the remaining funding for a second conference.
- In order for the 2nd conference application to be approved, the faculty must have at least $50 remaining in FTG funding. (E.G., if $1351 is spent on the first trip, the faculty would have only $49 remaining and therefore not be eligible for a second.)
- Please note that reimbursement for the first trip must be processed before a second application is considered to ensure that the $1400 limit is not exceeded.
The FTG Application Process:
- Please be sure to provide all required materials with your application. Faculty Affairs will deny or return applications that are incomplete.
- Once the FTG application has been approved or denied, the faculty member will receive a notification via email from SmartSheet. If you do not receive the email, please check your junk or spam folder.
The FTG Reimbursement Process:
Faculty who have been approved to receive an FTG, have up to $1400 per academic year to use towards personal reimbursement for eligible travel expenses. This reimbursement process takes place via a travel reimbursement voucher (VP5) in Define. More robust training on how to complete a VP5 can be found on the COLA Wiki pages, but here are a few additional items to remember when FTGs are involved:
- Faculty must forward their FTG approval notification to the appropriate staff member in their department/unit who will process the reimbursement. The processor must include the FTG Application approval notification as part of the documentation submitted for the VP5. This will allow COLA Finance/ CBS to ensure that funds are being reimbursed from the accurate accounts before they approve the voucher and send it forward to OA Travel. This will also allow them to accurately track any remaining funds for potential future uses of FTG.
- Be sure to use the correct account number (this will differ between T/TT and PTF). Please reach out to cola-ftg@austin.utexas.edu for the account number if you have not already received it.
- FTG funds should only be used for reimbursement. Direct billing on the FTG accounts is not allowed.
If you have any questions regarding Faculty Travel Grants, you can reach out to the COLA Dean’s Office (cola-ftg@austin.utexas.edu).