Create a Request for Travel Authorization

Create a Request for Travel Authorization

What is an RTA (Request for Travel Authorization)?

The primary purpose of an RTA is to authorize employees for UT business travel. All business related travel requires a RTA, no-cost trips included.

An RTA must also be submitted by faculty when a class will be missed (for any reason, including personal travel, etc). Below are detailed instructions for submitting and assigning your RTA.

Overall Process

  1. Access the Request for Travel Authorization REQ.

    RTA Request.png
  2. Complete all required fields.

    1. For Description, indicate: Dates of Travel, Destination, Purpose (conference/professional/research/etc)

  3. Be sure to state how any classes will be handled under ‘disposition of duties’, if you are a faculty member.

  4. If the request contains funding outside of Area funds, attach any email or correspondences confirming use of the outside account and funding amount. This applies to use of chair, professorship, grant, or other department funding sources.

  5.  Assign the RTA to Area Head. The Area will approve and assign the request to the Finance Office group (00259).

  6. Travelers can book/pay directly for airfare for later reimbursement, but your chosen fare must be less then found in Concur/Anthony Travel. Print the quote as proof. An itemized paid receipt must be submitted for reimbursement.