In the event that you are using the Procard to make a purchase, ensure the following:
Tax is never charged. If it is charged by mistake, contact the seller to have it removed. There are no exemptions to this policy.
You are given a receipt/invoice/confirmation email with the total cost listed. This will need to be submitted to the SLC Admin the same day of the purchase.
Procurement Card
The Pro-card is a MasterCard that can be used by any UGS employee for business-related purchases. Reserve the pro-card to the payment method of last resort. You can request the card from the SLC Admin. Always retain your receipt and make sure that the vendor does not charge tax on our purchase.
Disallowed Purchases
The Procurement Card may not be used for purchasing the following items:
This list is not comprehensive but lists typical disallowed purchases. Any questionable purchase should be reviewed in advance by the Procurement Card Administrator.
University departments may use the procurement card for the payment of goods and services that are routinely required for, and in support of, their university mission.
To purchase typically prohibited items such as the examples listed above, the cardholder must request authorization in writing from the Director of Purchasing or the Procurement Card Administrator. The request must be in writing - e-mail is permissible - and the response must be in writing and retained by the Procurement Card Administrator permanently with the cardholders' records. The request must be made and the response received prior to purchasing any item not typically used in support of the department's university mission.
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