Test and pilot
The EPM team knows testing out new offerings is not only important, but a complex workflow within the UT environment.
We have created two different paths for helping us test out upcoming changes to our global offerings.
One option that lives within our Sandbox Environment is for "Alpha testing" a change, or new offering. These changes are typically earlier in their cycle, or impact a widely used tool (example: updates to nudge tool*)
To have your machine receive these updates you can use an EA toggle we have added to devices in the sandbox (https://utexassandbox.jamfcloud.com)
-The toggle is called: "EPM - Alpha Testing"
-Found in the "General" section of the inventory record
-Select the option for "In Alpha testing" to enter your machine. Choosing a blank option or "NOT in Alpha testing" will keep the machine from receiving our testing updates.
The Second option is within the production server. This path is for already tested offerings that are close to roll out to the global audience. This set is for sites that may have their own workflows that need to verify our Global settings will mesh well.
To have your machine receive these updates you can use an EA toggle we have added to devices in the production server (https://mdm.utexas.edu)
--Found in the "Extension Attribute" section of the inventory record
-The toggle is called: "Pilot Program election (Do not use on production machine. defaulted is not used)"
-Select the option for "In Pilot program" to enter your machine. Choosing a blank option or "NOT in pilot program" will keep the machine from receiving our testing updates.
*Nudge tool refers to the "Nudge" and "Nudge helper" applications. Changes to the required minimum versions are to be implemented within 7 days of release per the Information Security office. Due to the time constraint we are not able to test new macOS versions that resolve vulnerabilities in this testing methodology
- When new minimum versions are released we request that site admins test the update as soon as possible to allow time to resolve any issues before the force install date arrives.