Share Your Calendar or Folders

Share Your Calendar or Folders

You can share your calendar and mailbox folders with other Microsoft 365 users at UT.

If you need someone to send emails, meeting requests, and meeting acceptances for you, you must make that person a delegate instead.

Outlook on the web

  1. Log into Outlook on the web.

  2. Click the Calendar icon.

  3. Right click the calendar you want to share.

  4. Select Sharing and Permissions.

  5. Enter the name or email address of the person/group you want to share your calendar with.

  6. Choose the level of access you’d like to grant.

  7. Click Share.

Outlook for Windows/Outlook for macOS

Complete the following steps in Outlook to share folders with another user

  1. Right-click (press Ctrl and click) the folder you want to share, such as Inbox or Calendar, and select Properties.

  2. In Folder Permissions, select the Permissions tab.

  3. Click the Add User button.

  4. In the Select User window, type the user's email address or select the user from the address book.

  5. Select the newly added user and assign permissions as necessary and click OK.

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