Opening procedures

Opening procedures

Opening procedures (bjd 11/14/14)



Opening the library takes approximately 20 minutes.  During this process, note any burnt out lights, problems with fixtures or any other facilities issues to your supervisor. 

Prep and Gate Count

£ Turn on the main light circuit (located in the northeast corner of the staff work room, behind the door)

    gather a copy card (located in a mug on Dan’s desk)

    gather key #1 (includes keys to copy machine paper tray and the paper supply cabinet).

£ Record gate count

Reading Room

£  Turn on Reading Room lights:

  • Table lights
  • Exhibit cases
  • Journal cases


£  Turn on public computer monitors and printers

£  Test connectivity of public terminals to both the black & white and color printers

  • Log on to each terminal, open any file or browser and send it to print.  You will do this twice- once for black & white, and once for color:
    • In the printer window, select “Not PCL B&W” for the black & white printer. 
    • In the Pharos System’s Print Job Details Window:
      • Name:  test bw
      • Print-Job name:  [use the terminal id located on a label on the top of the hard drive]  ex. btlee003
      • In the printer window, select “BTL Color” for the color printer. 
      • In the Pharos System’s Print Job Details Window:
        • Name:  test color
        • Print-Job name:  [use the terminal id located on a label on the top of the hard drive]  ex. btlee003
  • Insert copy card to see the Pharos printer queue.  Click on the refresh button and check to see that all 18 of your print jobs are listed.  You should have print jobs (b&w and color) for the following computers:  btlee001, 003, 005-011. 

£  Test printer quality by printing 1 color job and 1 black & white job

Stacks 5 & 6

£  Turn on lights, including individual studies

£  Turn on scanners and copy machines

£  Check copy machine paper supplies (paper supply cabinet on stacks 5 SW corner)

£  Test connectivity of public terminals btlee012, and btlss001-004

Circulation Desk

£  Turn on staff monitors (public monitors are not turned on)

£  Log onto computers:  User: lib-btlcr002-u     Password: arch!circ1

£  Log onto Desktracker Account: 817659          Name: arcirc





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