Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho SalesIQ

There is a LOT of functionality that you could potentially achieve with Zoho SalesIQ.  


Depending on your client, SalesIQ can do the following, but not limited to 

  • Establish chats with potential clients 
  • Direct people to resources on your website 
  • Allow operators to communicate with clients via chat or call 
  • Create chatbots that manage customers when an operator isn’t online 


Now, how do I get started with SalesIQ?  




This link will take you to the create account page where you can start a 15-day free trial.  


From there, it should lead you to create a brand, that SalesIQ will represent. 


Afterwards, you will need to install SalesIQ on the website that you’re creating. This can be done by inserting a small snippet of code onto the website’s HTML If you’re building a wordpress site, the steps are a little different, but can be found here. After doing this, you should be able to see a chat button appear on the bottom-right corner of your website. 


You will then need to customize your settings. You can set up messages, chatbots, notifications, and visual preferences. 


You can find all of these settings by clicking on the settings icon in the upper right corner (looks like a gear), and you should be led to this page: 



If you click on Brands, you will find visual preferences. 


If you click on Zobot, you will be able to create a chatbot for site visitors. 


How do I add someone as a team member? 


To add someone as a team member to SalesIQ, you must first have an administrator account. After logging in to the SalesIQ dashboard, you should be led to a screen that looks similar to this  home screen: 




You can then click on the gear in the upper right corner (settings menu), and then locate the column that says “General.” Look below it and then click on operators. You will be on the Operator page. 


From there, you can click on the bright blue button that says “Add” in the upper right corner, input an email address, choose a role, and then associate them to the company that you are working with. Leave the other options as default, or feel free to adjust as you see fit.  


**NOTE: Zoho requires you to pay for each user individually, so don’t just add users all willy-nilly** 


What are the differences between the roles? 


Essentially, an Administrator has full control over everything, a supervisor can manage associates, and associates can manage support functions for customers (such as answering live questions). For the version of the website that we have left you with, we did not build in any functionality regarding live responses from operators, but note that it is always an option if you’d like to explore it later. 


How do I configure the chat bot? 


Thankfully, the bot is configured through a codeless, drag-and-drop system. To access the bot menu, click on the settings gear in the upper right corner, locate the “Bot” column, and click on “Zobot”. 


From there, you should be led to a screen in which you can see a list of bots that are present on the website. There should be no bots on the website, so go ahead and click on the blue “add” button in the upper right corner.  


Name your bot, and go ahead and click on codeless bot builder and click next. You can describe your bot, tie it to a brand, and click next. Feel free to check out the other settings, but we left our bot on the default settings. 


You will then be led to configure the bot, it’ll ask you things such as when you would like the bot to initiate conversation, and which type of visitors the bot should converse with. All of the other settings are pretty self explanatory, so we’ll let you look through those and adjust as see fit. 


From there, the bot builder interface will open up.  




Essentially, the conversation that the bot establishes is a giant flow chart, connected through action nodes (or cards). To add a card, simply click on the “+” button and add the card that you need. There are several that appear, but the most important one (and the one that you’re most likely looking for right now) is the button.  


A button allows you to create multiple options for the user to click on, which will diverge into multiple paths. Add a button, add some options and click save. 




You can see the conversation flow expand. You can now add cards that connect to each of the questions, so go ahead and do that. Quick reply might help here, or if you have questions that lead into more questions, go ahead and add more buttons here. 




You can lead flows to the same card by dragging the “+” to another card! I linked all of them to the Quick Reply Card that says no, and then another card that says goodbye.  


I would recommend not being this snarky when you actually create your bot.  


As you might have noticed, the bot configurization is fairly straightforward and often relies on if/then logic.  


The default flow is a process that will occur assuming none of the other options are completed. In the case of the button cards, the default flow will occur is the user does not press one of the buttons and instead types an answer instead. You can circumvent this particular issue by creating a quick reply card that links back to the original button card. It should look like this: 




Test your bot by clicking on the "Test" button, which will open up a window where you can test your bot to see if it functions correctly. 


Try to click publish. It shouldn’t work and list out which flows are incomplete. If you want to end the chat, create an end chat card and connect it to the flow.  


Learning how to use Zobot is fairly extensive, so we have included Zoho’s official guide here. Note that you could also always call customer support! 


And here are the official guides for actually using the bot builder *highly recommend if you’re going to configure the bot!* 


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