Authorizations, Course Scheduling
Request for Authorization
Authorization Request Form: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\5.Training Resources and Authorizations\External Authorizations\Auths Template.pdf
Authorization requests must come via email from the Dean-level user in the requestor's academic unit, for Course/Final Exam Authorizations. If the Dean-level user was just cc'd on the request, reply to the email and ask the Dean-level user to confirm that the request is approved. All of the information listed in the template below must be supplied by the department. *Pre-dean level will be accepted only for College of Communication.
Course Scheduling\5.Training Resources and Authorizations\External Authorizations\Templates\1. Req for Auth Response.docx
Room viewer access can be granted by through email or by the requestor's supervisor simply being copied on the email requesting access. Alternatively, the request can come directly from the supervisor. This is for level VI access only, as level III access must always be approved by management.
What and How to Authorize Users
This document lists the systems users should be authorized for and their relative listervs and Canvas sites. If a user is authorized for a system (CSU/Class Manager, Room Scheduling, Final Exam System), they must also be authorized for the relative Canvas site and listserv. This document links to "how to's" on granting authorizations.
Course Scheduling\5.Training Resources and Authorizations\Authorization Guide & Templates\What and How Authorizations.docx
Send Welcome Email to New User
After granting authorizations, send the corresponding Welcome email(s) to the new user. The Course Scheduling welcome email should be sent from your personal email address with cc'd. The Final Exam Scheduler and Room Viewer welcome email should be sent from
- Course Scheduler: \Course Scheduling\5.Training Resources and Authorizations\External Authorizations\Templates\Course Scheduling boilerplate
- Final Exam Scheduler: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Final Exams\Documents\Email-notification templates\Final exam boilerplate.docx
- Room Viewer: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Documentation\Example Notification Emails and Memos\Room Scheduling System Access Email.docx
Follow up with Requestor
Once the Dean-level user has confirmed the needed authorizations, email back the Dean-level user and requestor with the changes as well as current authorization for the requested user. This template can be used to respond to the Dean-level user and whoever else was involved in requesting authorizations to let them know the authorization request has been completed.
\Course Scheduling\5.Training Resources and Authorizations\External Authorizations\Templates\PostAuthDeanResponseTemplate
Temporary Dean-level Access during Original or Chair Proof Phase
Non-Dean level users sometimes need temporary Dean-level access during Original or Chair Proof Phase to allow them to work during the part of the phase that is for Dean-level users only. This request must come from or be approved by a Dean-level user via email.
- Add Dean-level authorization in addition to existing authorization(s).
- Reply to email request (copy both users) to remind the temporary dean-level user not to submit CSU forms while authorized at this level, as they will be routed directly to either Dean of Graduate Studies or to Scheduling.
- Add Outlook calendar event to Course-Scheduling calendar for close day 1 to remove this Dean-level authorization.
Sympa signoff list
- If listserv member does not have any system authorizations, remove from listserv and Canvas sites.
- If listserv member still has access to one of our systems, send the following in an email.
"We've received notification of your requests to be removed from the
listserv. Access to scheduling systems is contingent upon membership in these listservs. Are you no longer in a scheduling role for[Department of FOS]
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