Create new CCYYS_ Authorizations and Access Dates
CM access dates
*TXTBLS, NRSCHED (This table controls phase based access in CM.) All dates are YYYYMMDD format.
- use 'E2' to find most recent like semester. Write down dates for CHAIR, DEAN, SCHED
- If phase ends on a Friday, use end date for dept users of the Sunday following.
- SCHED is different
- NOTE! CM charts rooms beginning in CP phase based upon SCHED entry in this table. SCHED Orig should end the last day of HAL Prep, so rooms are not charted in CM. CP should start the same day of HAL's 1st run so rooms WILL chart.
- BEGIN DATE 3 (SCHED entry only): this is the Flag feed cutoff trigger date as well as the Flag Ripple (NRJGFLG) begin trigger date. These jobs run at 12:01 AM The morning of cutoff). UGS want final reseq to be done by then, but ok if not-instruct them to use CSNs to track changes.
- The flag feed cut-off date coincides with the week we begin checking Advance Copy, about two weeks prior to live publication.
- Spring Semesters – Wed 3rd week of/mid- September
- Summer Semesters – Friday last week of February
- Fall Semesters – 3rd Sunday in March
For more info, see: UGS Flag Feed
- use 'E1' to find highest record number/'Key' (1st field in each table entry). Write it down
- Enter 'A' by 1st table entry to add an entry
- Enter next sequential key, info, and dates based on previous like semester and color-coded calendar for upcoming semester for CHAIR. Hit 'Enter' to save. (Leave session blank ALWAYS for CLASS-MGR entries)
- Repeat above step for DEAN and SCHED.
- BEGIN-DATE-1 & END-DATE-1: Original phase begin & end dates. Never end on a Friday-use Sunday instead.
- BEGIN-DATE-2 & END-DATE-2: Chair Proof phase begin & end dates. Never end on a Friday-use Sunday instead.
- BEGIN-DATE-3 (SCHED entry ONLY): UGS Flag feed cutoff date/Flag Ripple Begin date (aftermid)
*TXTABL, NRCRSE (All dates are YY-MM-DD format.) these dates are a duplicate of NRSCHED for old system, *NRCRSE. Move oldest CCYYS in TXTABL NRCRSE to DPUSER for FS (SCHED team). Copy newest in TXTABL NRCRSE to replace oldest. Set new CCYYS dates to replace newest TXTABL entry according to dates in TXTBLS NRSCHED.
- Enter "L" (list) in the option field. Enter NRCRSE in table name field. Press enter.
- Update options are listed at bottom of screen, (A)-add, (U)-update, etc. Enter 'U' in option to update and the number of entry in the 'Table Key' field.
- CH = CHAIR, DE = DEAN, FS = SCHED. (leave CS as is)
- Phase begin & end dates. First line = Original, Second line = Chair Proof.
- Write down Original and Chair phase begin and end dates for oldest CCYYS 'FS' entry to be removed from this table and entered into *DPUSER AA later.
- Overlay oldest CCYYS with other existing CCYYS entry on table FIRST. Then overlay existing CCYYS that just shifted down with the new CCYYS not already on the table.
- *DPUSER: Overlay existing CCYYS and dates with oldest (3rd) CCYYS and dates via DPUSER, AA command, App: NRCRSE for each SCHED staff member
Final Exam Dates
*TXTBLS, NRSCHED (All dates are YYYYMMDD format.)
- use 'E1' to find highest record number/'Key' (1st field in each table entry). Write it down
- Enter 'A' by 1st table entry to add an entry
- Enter next sequential key and new info & dates. Hit 'Enter' to save.
- Long semesters:
- BEGIN-DATE-1: 13th class dayEND-DATE-1: 10 class days later (start counting 1 on 13th day)
- BEGIN-DATE-2: 20990101END-DATE-2: 20991231
- Summer is different:
- Enter session
- Create entries for these sessions.
- BEGIN-DATE-1: 5th class dayEND-DATE-1: 5 class days later
- BEGIN-DATE-2: 20990101END-DATE-2: 20991231
Activate CM Icons
Update *TXTBLS NRCSSTAT for CM icons (Parent tables NRCSSTCD & NRCSSTCT define inputs for this table)
- Use 'E1' key to go to highest CCYYS/last entry. Enter 'A' to add entry for new CCYYS.
- REG-DEP-ALL: Set to 'R' for Registrar staff only, 'D' for dept staff only, or 'A' for all users to view icon
- STATUS-CODE (ones typically used highlighted below):
- NOTESDP-Production notes from Dept to Registrar scheduling staff
- NOTESSCH-Production notes form Registrar scheduling staff to Dept
- XLISTING-Crosslisting(s) exist. Will display number, but not type.
- XLISTPOT-Potential Crosslisting(s) exist.
- FLAGDISC-Flag discrepancy exists between course schedule and UGS Flag DB.
- FLAGS-Flags exist. Ideally would list the flags but A15 is insuff
- GENERIC1-Pot.& Curr. XLs. Use if > 1 condition in cat 1 for a section.
- GENERIC2-Cat 2 Issues. Use if > 1 condition in cat 2 for a section.
- GENERIC3-Cat 3 Issues. Use if > 1 condition in cat 3 for a section.
- GENERIC4-Cat 4 Issues. Use if > 1 condition in cat 4 for a section.
- GPC-GPC scheduled
- HOME-MS -MS Home. This section is home for multi-sections.
- HOME-SA -SA Home. This section is same-as home.
- INVDROP-Inv drop. Course has been dropped from inventory.
- INVSTDS-Stmts not = Inv statements for section don't match inventory.
- INVTNTP-Title not = Inv Numbered topic & title's not in inventory.
- INVTUTP-Base top. title Unnumbered topic has title matching topic 000.
- MEETHOUR-Addl hours req sch hrs < credit hrs & no "hours" statement.
- CATEGORY (icons typically used highlighted below):
- 1 yellow "*" icon (Cross-listings)
- 2 blue "i" in a circle icon (gen info such as flags, unnumbered topic, etc.)
- 3 yellow post-it note icon (scheduling, dept, or timeline note)
- 4 red "!" icon (pot problems-potential xlistg, room cap exc., etc.)
CSU Access Dates
Update *TXTBLS NRCSDATE for CSU table (Controls CSU availability. All semesters on this table will display to users as 'open' or 'closed') All dates are YYYYMMDD format.
- Delete oldest entry first. Array can only hold 30 entries.
- Use 'E1' key to go to highest CCYYS/last entry. Enter 'A' to add entry for new CCYYS.
- DATE OPEN-Date CSU system opens for requests. MUST be after final resequencing, and is typically the same day we publish Advance Copy.
- DATE CLOSE-Date CSU system is no longer open for requests. Typical close dates are end of semester following: Spring-end of Summer, Summer-end of Fall, Fall-end of Spring
- FaSET open/close dates (look up at Two sets of dates each semester. Set 1st set of dates at beginning of CCYYS, and change to 2nd set of dates after 1st set closes.
- ISDA12 OPEN-Date FaSET opens for CCYYS.
- ISDA12 CLOSE-Date FaSET closes for CCYYS.
Room Scheduling System Access
Update *TXTBLS NRTBYYSD for the Room Scheduling System. Create new CCYYS in Room Scheduling System open to Level 1 users only. (All dates are YYYYMMDD format.)
- Use 'E1' key to go to highest CCYYS/last entry. Enter 'A' to add entry for new CCYYS.
- FIRST-CLASSDAY – 1st Class day of semester
- F-LAST-CLASSDAY – Last class day of summer first session (00000000 if not summer)
- F-EXAM-DAYS – Final Exam days for summer first session (blank if not summer)
- S-1ST-CLASSDAY – 1st Class day of summer second session (00000000 if not summer)
- N-LAST-CLASSDAY – Last class day of summer nine-week session (00000000 if not summer)
- N-EXAM-DAYS - Final Exam days for summer nine-week session (blank if not summer)
- LAST-CLASSDAY - Last class day of semester
- LONG-S-W-EXAMS - Final Exam days for long semesters (Fall/Spring) and summer second and whole session
- NO-CLASS-DAYS-1 – No Class days, including holidays, student breaks, and days between last class day and final exams
- NO-CLASS-DAYS-2 – continuation of above
- BEGIN-INTERSESS – Day after last final exam for semester
- END-INTERSESS – Day before 1st Class day of following semester
- FILLER-1-Unused currently. Leave blank. Enter 8 0s (00000000)
- FILLER-2- Unused currently. Leave blank. Enter 8 0s (00000000)
- FILLER-3- Unused currently. Leave blank.
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