Responsibility and Respect

Starting a Study Session

The first few minutes of any group meeting are very important for setting the tone of a session.  A few simple actions, taken right at the start, help attendees merge their goals and use the time productively in a way that helps everyone.


1. Write the verb-based agenda (VBA) on the board.

2. Arrange tables and chairs as needed.

3. Smile and say hi as people walk in.  Tell them we'll get started soon.

To launch:

1. Establish that you are leading.  "Hi there, my name is X, this is my partner Y, and we're leading this study session"

2.  Confirm that everyone is in the right place.  "This is the PLUS study session for Course ZZZ, with professor so-and-so."

Back in the Dark Ages, when Leta was young, it was possible to get onto the wrong plane at the airport!  Once you were through security, there were no further checks.  So the pilot would always announce, "this plane is headed for Detroit."  Or wherever.  Sometimes, someone would leap to their feet with a "whoops!"

3. Demonstrate that the session will be useful.  "Here is our plan for today.  We're focusing on stuff PS and S recommended. OR that we developed with input from the professor OR similar"  This would be a good time to mention upcoming test, homework due, skills being practiced in class, etc.

4. Set an expectation that everyone will collaborate and/or participate.  "We all know that listening is comfortable and feels like learning, but actually, research shows the best learning comes through practice.  You'll see that the steps on the agenda are verbs or actions.  Because we all want to learn, we'll take turns (or similar) as we do these practice activities."

5. Ask for buy-in.  "Does that sound good/useful/like something you can do?"

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at