Wix Domain Name Transfer
Wix allows you to transfer a current domain name to the new Wix site you have created. For this process, you must log into the Wix Website Owner account. To verify whether you are the Owner, navigate to “Roles and Permissions” in the Wix search bar. In order to do so, you need the CNAME records that map to the current www.example.com to your Wix website.
To find CNAME records:
- Search “Connect a domain” in the dashboard search bar.
- Enter the website address you want for your website (i.e. www.example.com)
- Click “Start” and scroll down to “Add DNS Records” where you will be able to find the chart with the CNAMEs.
Then, in your domain provider (where you purchased the current domain name), you can navigate to the Domain Management page and update the DNS/Nameserver settings to point the CNAME records to your Wix website. This process may be different for every domain provider. When the domain settings are complete, the current website should have a 404 Page Error.
On the same page with the CNAME records on Wix, click “Verify Your Connection.” This will allow Wix to check your domain connection for your current domain name. They will normally take 48 hours to verify connection details, and you can track the domain connection status on the “My Domains” page.
Once the domain verification is complete, click “Assign” on the “My Domains” page, and your Wix site web address will successfully be replaced with your domain name.