Responsibility and Respect

Improve My Skills

This is a gateway page for basic leadership skills applicable to preceptors and senior preceptors

First, the PLUS philosophy regarding leadership and influence:
You can only lead people who want to follow you, and that depends on your influence over them. So you need to cultivate influence - how? First, PLUS does use "positional power" as a source of influence. Senior preceptors are positionally supervising preceptors, and have the power associated with that: recommending or preventing someone from being a PLUS preceptor or SP, embarrassing someone in front of peers, etc.

As many SPs have discovered, however, that power is delicate and not very useful! Do NOT rely on positional power.

Instead, focus on building influence:
people need to trust you (requires a high degree of integrity)
people need to think you care (build rapport by showing interest in their lives)
people need to want what you are selling (add value to their lives by the skills you have and can teach or by the experiences you create)

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at