Responsibility and Respect

Jeopardy for Genetics

Thanks go to Brittany Wang, preceptor Spring 2013 for Dr. Mohanty's BIO 325 course, for the activity below! Download the powerpoint slide show, and print the answers separately. Or modify to suit your own needs.


So it doesn't mark them off after you answer them so you kind of just have to remember which ones have been done already. Here are the answers:

Sex determination
10. SRY
20. Barr bodies
30. x chromosomes to sets of autosomes
40. dosage compensation, inactivation of parts of the x chromosome
50. bisexual, hermaphrodites

Cell cycle
10. gametes
20. prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
30. anaphases
40. i think zeptonema but may need to double check
50. just gave them points if they gave a good enough answer

Genetic Terms
10. centromere
20. telocentric
30. genetic interaction
40. null allele
50. epistatic

10. negative interference
20. coefficient of coincidence - talk about what its purpose is (used in determining interference)
30. parental types
40. direct, # of map units = % recombination
50. lod score and synteny testing

CTT (bacteria) - stands for conjugation, transformation, transduction
10. prototroph
20. temperate phage
30. 2 F+, Hfr and F-, 2 F'
40. heteroduplex
50. specialized transduction

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at