Responsibility and Respect

Navigating uncomfortable situations

Please talk with your SP about any problem situations that are arising; posting it on the PLUS facebook page will allow more brains to offer solutions as well!

Acknowledge the frustration.  Offer tissues, and just be present.  follow up with them later to see how they're doing as a person, not necessarily with the content.

This sometimes happens when extra credit is offered–if this is the case link whatever the extra credit nugget is (quiz, password, attendance sheet, etc) to the end of the study group, and make frequent reminders throughout the study group that everyone is expected to be an active participant in the agenda to make the most of their time right now.

It could be there's another meeting or event folks are going to, so be it.  Continue to work your way through the agenda with your co preceptor and those remaining, you're getting the most out of your distributed practice by seeing it through to the end!

Talk with them privately about how their behavior effects others.  Set rules that everyone will share something before anyone says something else/goes up to the board, etc.  Take action in real time, acknowledging the disruption (Hi, i can hear your phone over here,), offering choices (if you need to continue that conversation, why do you you go outside?), and reiterate the purpose of the study group (I want to make sure we're understanding the Kreb cycle.  You're welcome to join when you're done with your conversation.)  If necessary, use the broken record technique (repeating same line or goal) to not get pulled into a power struggle.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at