G.2 Dean’s Statement
The dean must address the topics listed below in their statement (in any order). In departmentalized colleges/schools, the dean should limit the amount of information that is duplicated from the chair’s statement (Section G.3). In a non-departmentalized college/school, the dean must also address the items required in the chair’s statement (Section G.3) unless the college/school guidelines assign that responsibility to the chair of the BC/EC.
- A summary of the discussion within the CAC, including an explanation of the rationale for the committee’s vote and an explanation of negative votes. The dean must solicit feedback from the committee regarding the reasons for negative votes (if any) to characterize the overall strength of the CAC’s recommendations and any areas of concern.
- Independent assessment of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in each of the areas of review defined in Section A.7, with a focus on time in rank for tenure-track candidates and in most recent normative time in rank for tenured candidates.
- Provide explicit contextualization and assessment of the candidate’s scholarly trajectory (including citations), research independence, and evidence of funding sustainability (if applicable).
- Evaluate the relative selectivity of publication outlets/performance venues and prestige of honors/awards.
- Reflect on the reviewers’ letters and explain any reservations expressed therein.
- Describe the relative strength of their overall recommendation (e.g., strongly recommend or recommend).
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