Responsibility and Respect

Purposes of SP training

JES A309 is a good room for this, allot 4-6 hours. Bring: lunch, timesheets, Kristen to film, sign-up sheets for recruiting and preceptor training, copies of the SP job description. Remind SPs to bring agenda drafts (from box), weekly schedule (for SP to write in)

The primary purposes of SP training are:
1. Clarify role and expectations (.5 hr). (in class preceptor recruitment–try to match SP with their supported class–esp if extra large or small, preceptor selection (everyone), preceptor training)
2. Build community (.5-1 hr).
3. Develop and film skits for preceptor training (1.5-2 hrs).

When making video, consider:

Put yourself in your audience’s shoes.

Brainstorm and prioritize ideas--LM should be present for this to screen!

Make a storyboard.  A storyboard helps map out every scene in your video and will ensure that you have a plan for every word and every visual that will appear on the screen. If you’ve never made a storyboard before, browse the Google doc storyboard templates for one that suits your needs.

Let your creative people work their magic.


Typical activities:
Meet-and-greet, e.g., People Bingo.
Share/critique draft Verb-Based Agendas for first study groups.
Practice recruiting speech.
Sign timesheets.
Play skills game like Impromptu Speeches or Who's the Leader?

These activities HAVE to happen:
Fill out weekly schedules (allows program coordinator to schedule SP meetings).
Make up skits for preceptor training: typical good study group (unfortunately, this is boring to watch), paired "gone bad" and "rescued" scenarios (much more fun and funny, but less realistic).
Practice starting first weekly planning meeting (at least for new SPs).
Review job description and encourage SPs to ask questions.
Sign up for preceptor training (one or both dates) and recruiting (1-2 classes).


Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at