Responsibility and Respect

Policies on Sanger Center resource use

Senior preceptors have access to JES A332 and FAC 338 during weekday hours, 8-5.

SPs may print PLUS-related materials from the cubicle workstation in the JES A332 copier room and FAC 338 User access to this workstation needs to be updated each semester (as of Fall 2013). Specialty SPs (office, attendance, database) need access to the PLUS folder on the U drive. All other SPs simply need to be able to print to the Ricoh machine. SPs typically print agendas or worksheets to be used in study groups.

You're most welcome to use the copier/printers in FAC 338 (ask for the SI room—FAC 338G for computers, 338B for copier/cutter) and in JES 332 (identify yourself as a PLUS preceptor and ask where the copier/computer is to print) to print out PLUS study group agendas and materials.

SPs need wiki access; as a general principle, grant access to add and comment, but not to remove.

Preceptors may use the resources above to print PLUS related resources.  You may also request your SP to do this and bring materials to the wpms.

PLUS provides dry-erase markers and chalk, both plain black/white and colored, upon request. SPs or preceptors may pick up markers or chalk in any convenient way, e.g., program coordinator leaves boxes at the admin desk in FAC 338 for a specified period of days. Purchase additional markers/chalk in advance of need in order to be responsive to preceptors.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at