Responsibility and Respect

When to cancel a study group

Actually, professors and senior preceptors generally take care of this without any intervention on the part of the program coordinator. The rule of thumb is: cancel study groups that meet same day as an exam (i.e., that evening), and any subsequent study groups when there is "no new material."

Example 1: Tu/Th class, study groups usually meet Su-Th. Exam on Tuesday. Cancel Tuesday and Wednesday, meet Thursday because there will be new lecture material to practice.

Example 2: M/W/F class, study groups meet Sunday and Tuesday. Exam on Wednesday. No cancellations because the Sunday study group can practice Friday's lecture material.

SOME CLASSES NEVER CANCEL. Historically, cancellations are rare in BIO 446L (labs for that course meet every day and study groups practice lab skills as well as lecture material) and in BIO 365S (study groups after exams actually discuss or work out exam questions, even if grades haven't come back).

If the prof or SP asks, encourage them to hold study groups rather than cancel. But don't insist. They know better than you whether students will attend or not, given the current events of the course.

Note: SPs are supposed to email the PLUS email address to report cancellations. They often forget. This is not a big deal, because the "tier one" reminder email is cc'ed to the SP and mentions "if your study group was cancelled, your SP will respond." If you get cancellation info in any form (verbally, mixed in with other info in an email), simply send it to the PLUS email address for processing.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at