Excel Tricks

Responsibility and Respect

Excel Tricks

*To separate first/last names on attendance rosters on U:

For rosters, download

Insert one column to right of condensed (last first) name combo


Text to columns

Delimited, next


Destination spot= next cell

And then with the power of excel, the names magically separate into last in one column, and first in the neighboring column.  Wow!


*to combine first (column A) and last name (column B) from separate columns into one column

=A1&" "&B1


*To keep column and header constant as scroll across frame:

Identify cell you want to pivot from, highlight single cell

Window, freeze pane.



*remove duplicate applications:

of those completed apps, eid/email

data, advanced filter, copy to new location, check unique records only


*excel godsend to identify those Preceptor candidates that have not been chosen.

column A: email of all preceptors that have applied (minus duplicates).

column B=  " =IF(COUNTIF(C$4:C$7,A4),"",A4) "

column C= email of all chosen preceptors

where A4 is the first cell of A applied preceptors, keep $ signs in, B is the middle filling in column of those that have not been selected, C$4:$C$7 is the column of chosen preceptors, and A4 is what comparing to .  THIS equation is gold.  do not loose it, and make sure you understand how to use it.

column C: all preceptors that have been selected

*note: if there are typos in emails this won't catch them.  embarrassing fielding questions from preceptors saying, hey, i got in...didn't i?


see JWs example on U:, sanger, PLUS, hiring, preceptors, PLUS separator XL function.xlsx





*end of sem sort

=IF(total session attendance >=1, eid column,"")

one column over

=IF(ISTEXT(one column over), total session attendance,"")

copy and special paste (values) all into fresh, label course/prof

sort by # B column (highest to lowest), then by prof if desired


*to identify uniques

=IF(at least one column >=1,eid column,"")


*# sessions

=(# sessions column)


=IF(ISBLANK(unique column)=TRUE, "", # attended column)


*Instructional hours

=# sessions*1.5 or 1hr



*to remove duplicates to identify unique eid participants


remove duplicates


  • to add a new line within an excel cell


find/highlight duplicates: select eid column

home, conditional formatting (visual grid), highlight cells rules, duplicates values, ok.

will highlight repeat eid values


filemaker date/time formatting

What I have found my process has been (outlined) includes:

Correctly formatting the google attendance data by formatting date column 00/00/0000

adjust study group start/end time to be in military time (per filemaker key instructions) with PM dates with +12.  ex 4pm= 16:00:00; 10am=10:00:00)


create copy and paste-able columns combining the date and start/end times (two different columns) using: =TEXT(A2,"mm/dd/yyyy")& " " &TEXT(D2,"hh:mm:ss")

where A2 is the date correctly formatted and D2 is the time correctly formatted


then copy and paste eid columns, date/time start and end columns, and fill in the PC eid column and class columns.

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Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at leta.moser@austin.utexas.edu