Responsibility and Respect

Preceptor Selection

Invite all SPs to Preceptor Selection Party, the Thursday of the first full week of classes (after preceptor electronic applications have been turned in).  Plan for 4-9pm FAC 328ish room with a white board wall.  Arrange for food to be delivered (food letter allow 10 days ahead of time!).  make it a social mixer for SPs too–many still don't know each other.  develop a team building exercise for those present (and flexible in a come and go way)--billboard?

investigate if qualitrics can create a pdf of application that automatically is named prof.applicant last name.first name.  then maybe share on drop box?

Everyone takes a handful of applications (10?) and picks their top choices.  Looking for enthusiasm for role, reliability (leadership roles), and collaboration.  Avoid students who want to 'teach'.


excel godsend to identify those that have not been chosen.

column A: all preceptors that have applied. 

column B=  " =IF(NOT(ISERROR(MATCH(A3,$C$3:$C$250,0))),"",A3) "

where A3 is the first cell of A applied preceptors, keep $ signs in, B is the middle filling in column of those that have not been selected, C$3:$C$250 is the column of what is being compared to, and A3 is what comparing to .  THIS equation is gold.  do not loose it, and make sure you undersand how to use it. 

column C: all preceptors that have been selected


vetting rubric: 1) able to make WPM, 2) collaborate not teach 3)

Start open bidding with big classes (Gail Grabner)-strong preceptor for day/times of study groups. 

evening's goals:
1) ID preceptors for all classes.  if able, develop a list of viable understudies

2) target times and rooms for all preceptors (start filling in google doc of room reservations)

3) confirm wpm on track for next week.  provide rough outline (content/agenda/model agenda/preceptor concerns and questions)

4) input, feedback, practice for preceptor training

Notify preceptors on Friday en mass email

SAMPLE text to selected preceptors (sent to all preceptors for one course, as a batch, cc: SP)
SUBJECT: PLUS preceptor invitation - PLEASE REPLY

Dear A, B, C and D,

I'm delighted to invite you to be PLUS preceptors for Dr. Finklea's BIO 325 course. Your weekly planning meeting is Thursdays at 5 pm, starting the 31st (next week), and XXX is your Senior Preceptor (copied here). I would like to offer study groups as follows:
A and B, Sundays 6-7.30 pm
C and D, Tuesday evenings. Both of you have lots of availability, so I'll check what time we can get a room for the semester long study groups. Tentatively 5.30-7.

I look forward to meeting all of you at the one-time startup training, this week only. Thursday 5-7 pm in NOA 1.124. Bring a pen and your enthusiasm!

Please confirm your acceptance with an email back to me. Here's to a great semester ahead!

Program Coordinator

And another SAMPLE, with preceptors who are attending different training dates
Dear Q, R, S and T,

I'm delighted to invite you to be PLUS preceptors for Dr. Fischer's BIO 325 course. Your weekly planning meeting is Wednesdays at 3 pm, starting the 30th (next week). I would like to offer study groups as follows:
Q and R, Mondays 6-7
S and T, Sundays 6-7.30

I look forward to meeting all of you at the one-time startup training, this week only. Thursday 5-7 pm (Q and S) or Friday 4-6 (R and T) in NOA 1.124. Bring a pen and your enthusiasm!

Please confirm your acceptance with an email back to me. Here's to a great semester ahead!

Program Coordinator

The appropriate SP gets cc'ed on each "selected" email that goes out. It is the SP's responsibility to follow up as per "Contacting Your Preceptors for the First Time"

SAMPLE email for preceptors who are NOT selected. This email goes to the program coordinator (i.e., self), BCC all not-selected applicants
SUBJECT: PLUS preceptor application


Thank you for your interest in the PLUS program!  While I encourage you to attend study groups regularly, I am sorry to say I cannot offer you a position as a PLUS preceptor at this time.  

Consistent attendance at study groups helps you set a designated time to efficiently engage with the material; you benefit from the accountability of keeping up with the course work, the opportunity to think about the concepts through different activities, and frequently form a social network with those you study with.  If a preceptor needs to step down, we will look for a replacement first among those who have attended study groups and are familiar with how they work.

Please contact me with any questions, and I wish you the best for a great semester.




Thank you for your interest, but I am sorry to say I cannot offer you a position as a PLUS preceptor at this time.

I encourage you to attend study groups regularly, both to benefit from the accountability and the activities, and to support your classmates. If a preceptor needs to step down, we will look for a replacement first among those who have attended study groups and are familiar with how they work.

Please contact me with any questions, and I wish you the best for a great semester.

Program Coordinator


Dismissing Preceptors Email (missed training/failed to make up/missing/not upholding responsibilities)

Dear xxx,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a PLUS preceptor, but because of your absence at training and failure to make up the session I am sorry to say that you're being dismissed from the preceptor role this semester.  I encourage you to attend study groups regularly to benefit from the accountability, activities, and to support your classmates.

Best wishes,



if later in the semester... can be done via email/in person hybrid

I would send an email identifying that her absence at her own study group and wpm has been noted, and express concern for her well being.  With that, also identifying how her preceptor job duties have been neglected and because of this she's being dismissed from the program.  Offer a face to face to follow up with her—what is her side of the story, why the lack of communication, etc? (this may not be accepted), validating her reasons and triangulating back to the preceptor job description that she signed at the beginning (I have these) and highlight the points that she's neglected.  Invite her to attend study groups, ask for feedback on how PLUS could improve/better support her, and encourage her to attend the study groups, and wish her the best. 



Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at