Responsibility and Respect

Brag on preceptors and SPs when you can

SAMPLE email to a preceptor who developed a great activity about the oxygen-hemoglobin binding curve

Hi Ben,

Thank you so much for putting your creativity to work for your study group! I got the photos and a very proud brag note from Lily, and I also heard about the awesomeness “in situ” from Madhu, the SP who observed your study group on Monday.

Program Coordinator

SAMPLE email to an SP who had extra work to do to develop agendas
Hey (SP)!

From Dr. X's end-of-semester email to me:

“I think our trust in SP was amply rewarded. I believe he did an excellent job in every respect.”

As do I. Just wanted to share.

Program Coordinator

Preceptor Appreciation Week email to preceptors, SP13
Thank you so much for your hard work and consistent dedication to PLUS!

As a team, we have provided regular, professor-influenced study groups to more than 850 students this semester. We hit an all-time attendance high, with 81% of students enrolled in one of our supported courses using study groups to practice skills or help themselves stay accountable. Our study group agendas, new this year, have proven to be very helpful tools for ensuring a good study experience, for you and your attendees.

These successes are possible only because of your participation and your willingness to take on a leadership role. I’m proud to work with this great group.

One final note: the best ideas in PLUS come from preceptors and SPs. If you have any improvements you’d like to see, courses that might be added to PLUS, or celebratory stories to share, please email me at any time.

Program Coordinator

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at