Responsibility and Respect

Do Now Items

Fall 2014 start up

PLUS semester at a glance calendar 

updated: Sunday, August 24


*Create a qualitrics account: log in in with your eid/pass, then choose "I don’t have a Qualtrics account” to create account  (broken–needs fixing-How to and tutorial slides here.)

complete by January 9; please email Leta with specific troubles and obstacles on this front


*Email your PLUS supporting professor to identify a weekly planning meeting time and place that is convenient for you and them (language to play with here).  I can help reserve rooms, but frequently professors have their own favorite meeting rooms in the buildings their offices are. 

Please update wpm document in box by Monday, August 25, 3 pm

To edit a box document!!  (download the box edit) Right click on document title, edit with microsoft excel

*Complete pre-semester SP training feedback survey–your input is valuable!

*Preceptor Recruitment Doodle poll during the first two days of class.  The goal is to have coverage at every time during the day–thank you to those who are checking all your available times!


Recruitment Schedule (will be updated 9/25 eve) here!

Your role will include:

    -introducing self and mention history with PLUS ("I was a study group leader for X course last year, and now I'm the senior preceptor for Y course")

    -describing one specific benefit ("PLUS really helped me by..." or "I like PLUS because…")

    -encouraging participation at whatever level (" I suggest you lead a study group, but definitely attend even if you don't want to lead")

    -answer any questions from the audience, as appropriate.

Confirmations will occur at SP training the following day






On the horizon:


*Please send your supported class a reminder about preceptor applications being due Wednesday, Sept 3 at 9am. 

Monday, Sept 1 evening/Tuesday, Sept 2 morning


*Let Leta know if your professor indicated that they would be interested in helping select preceptors (no obligation to whatsoever).

Wednesday, September 3





*Attend pre-semester SP training Monday, August 25, 10am- 2 pm in FAC 330. 

complete food preference poll (choose your one favorite)









*Be available for group preceptor selection evening of Thursday, January 16th, for some amount of time between 6:30-9:30pm in JES 309a (and day Friday, January 17th if need be in FAC 330).

Please bring a laptop or electronic device to access the qualtrics survey I'll send out after application deadline has closed.

*If there is a preceptor application extension, please send your supported class a reminder about applications being due Tuesday, January 21, noon. 

January 20


*Weekly planning meetings with your professor and preceptors start this week--week of January 27!  Since training will have a week in-between the two parts, please ask (and watch as they do it) Ask all your preceptors to develop a box account by going to
(create new account?)

(I'll be sharing the attendance folders with them on Thursday, unless i hear from you before than that you'd like it ready right after your wpm–just let me know)


*Announce preceptor training make up is this Friday, January 31, from 4-6:30 in JGB 2.218.  If a preceptor can't make it please have them contact me asap so we can get a super abbreviated crash course in this week for an hour.


*Indicate which preceptor training(s) you will attend via poll.  Thursday January 23 from 5-7:30pm and Friday January 24 from 4-6:30pm both in NOA 1.126.  I really need a few more SPs on Friday, so if you can switch please do so!

complete poll by Thursday, January 16  (goal is to have even coverage over both days–really need more SPs at Friday)

updated: complete poll by Tuesday, January 21 morning

updated2: complete poll by Wednesday, January 29 noon


*Plan for your first weekly planning meeting interactions.  Think about what expectations you want to set with your preceptors and how you will set the cadence of the meetings. Model and role play the first study group (consider having preceptors submit questions to you about the material ahead of time and/or having an icebreaker with the professor such that everyone identifies one thing they're especially interested in about the preceptor role/class?)  More ideas at  Training activities for weekly planning meetings

*Once your preceptors have been selected and their offer email has gone out, send them an email introduction (see Contacting your Preceptors for the First Time)

Thursday, January 23 (before training)


*Indicate times when you are available for biweekly SP meetings via poll.  This will provide ongoing training for you and provide a forum to share and brainstorm concerns and successes.

complete by Thursday, January 30, 9am. Confirmation will be sent by Friday the 31st; biweekly meetings will begin the following week held the weeks of Feb 3, Feb 17, March 3, March 24, April 7, and April 21

complete by Monday Feb 3 by noon--biweekly meetings will begin the following week held the weeks of Feb 3, Feb 17, March 3, March 24, April 7, and April 21


*Identify study group preceptor partners, times, and locations. Update info on Box, study groups SP14_right click,more actions,edit w google (and only edit via google doc please–ensures all changes saved even if multiple simultaneous editors)


*Claim your rooms for study groups on Box, rooms SP14_right click,more actions,edit w google (and only edit via google doc please)

*Sign up for a preceptor buddy in case you need to miss your wpm on the wpm document in box.  We will be discussing/confirming during SP biweekly meeting week of February 3

Please complete by Friday Feb 7.  Buddy special forces team (those to call upon if your buddy can't make your wpm) will be announced at second SP biweekly meeting week of Feb 17.

(*if still necessary: Ask all your preceptors to develop a box account by going to   Login, create new account?    and/or confirm training make up time)

*Start observing!  Round 1 of observations runs Feb. 17-March 6. 

*Sign up for when you will observe your preceptors and mark/highlight yellow any NEED HELP sessions you can't attend (observations folder, observations sign up _round 1 tab).

complete by Wednesday, Feb 19

*Complete doodle poll regarding your availability of full SP debrief on observations during week of March 17-21

complete by February 28th

*Email me a few areas you noticed preceptors need additional growth or training in from your observations

complete by Wednesday, March 19 at noon


*We'll debrief on the first round of observations in two groups on Wednesday (March 19) and Thursday (March 20), both in Par 304.  Goal: Sps walk away with new activities to address concerns identified in preceptor observations.

Wednesday: March 19, 5-6pm in PAR 304









Thursday: March 20, 5-6pm in PAR 304










Debrief Agenda

(prime: right/left hand writing activity)

Free write: What are preceptors doing really well?  What contributes to their success on these fronts?

Challenge situations posted on chalkboards; brainstorm walk through at each station (including last semester ideas)

How/can preceptor strengths be pulled upon to improve in other areas?

(Role play novel suggestions?)

SP reflections/take aways


*Sign up for at least two HELP NEEDED times for Round two (email me if that's impossible given your schedule). 

complete by Friday, Feb 21, noon ASAP

*administer mid semester feedback to preceptors: .  You'll gain access to the results (as well as a refresher on how to sort the data) Monday March 24th.

ask preceptors to complete by (preferred Sunday, March 16th) Sunday, March 23–please take 10 minutes to watch everyone do this during your weekly planning meeting!

*Celebrate your preceptors for Preceptor appreciation week March 31-April 7.  Consider making a special treat, writing individual cards, doing something memorable to show gratitude for all their hard work.


*review and discuss the feedback your preceptors have provided via qualtircs.  Be sure to address the concerns and celebrations at your next weekly meeting, identifying what (if anything) you're doing to do different to continue to support them, and why (if nothing).

*pick up treats to share with preceptors in study groups, if you haven't already


*Extension--provide anonymous feedback to Leta so she can better improve your experience with PLUS by Friday, April 4th, 9am. Thank you to those that have already completed it!  From the results so far, I hear that more support on agenda making and training activities for the wpms is desired.  We will likely not devote much time to these topics at our SP meetings because there is already a speaker lined up (in subsequent semesters I will not schedule all professional development back to back to back), but I am always available to meet to brainstorm and provide personalized feedback.  Notes are attached here on creating more application type questions on the agenda (Alex and George both have great examples on their agendas), and community bests practices (and troubleshooting) of the wpms—thank you to all that contributed to them!



*Advertise and update PLUS study group times on blackboard/canvas/ask the professor/preceptors to make announcements in class. Announce study groups on the class' FB page. If you want something printed to hand out, just let me know (and suggest or send black and white graphic) approximately how many.


*SP biweekly meetings the weeks of Feb 3, Feb 17, March 3, March 24, April 7, and April 21.

Mondays 3-3:50 pm in FAC 338K

Fridays 1-1:50 pm in FAC 330 (after spring break FAC 332)

The outlook on SP meetings is as follows--


Mon: March 24: LOCATION CHANGE this week only!  In PAR 103 Undergrad Writing Center presents on personal statements  

Fri: March 28: PLUS logo design in FAC 332


Mon: April 7 and April 11: interviewing skills w/ Laura Weingarten


Mon: April 21: LOCATION CHANGE this week only! PAR 103 leadership and ethics institute presents: FiSH! Philosophy

Fri: April 25 FAC 332 leadership and ethics institute presents: FiSH! Philosophy


*Support your preceptors through practice and modeling the beginning of a study group, techniques to get reluctant attendees involved, and delegate facilitation between preceptors.


*Ongoing--establish agenda for first weekly planning meeting and first study group with professor.  Consider if your wpm splits when the study groups, and make a contingency plan on how to keep everyone informed regardless of when their study groups are (ie, email out next week's agenda on Sunday the week before–thank you Kira for proposing this!)


*Smile; you are part of something great, and your presence and efforts will make it even better!


On the horizon:

*preceptor to SP application window opens April 7 and runs through May 14.  If you know you are traveling or want to not fill out recommendations for candidate Sps please set an earlier deadline for your preceptors.


*semester debrief and appreciation luncheon May 5, specifics tba




*provide anonymous feedback to Leta so she can better improve your experience with PLUS:

complete by Monday, March 24th, 9am


*Get paid! You will now need to submit an electronic time sheet every week (I thought we were doing just fine, clearly no one asked me).  HR endorsed instructions here; the steps boil down to the following:

1) login at:
(alternatively, if this link is wonky you should also be able to access it via: UT home, in upper right hand corner click UT direct—just to the left of make a gift)

2) click on the weekly time period you're entering hours.  Weekly deadline starting March 24—sooner than I imagined!-for you to submit hours is Monday 9am—expect a friendly reminder if it's not done by this time.  The actual electronic paperwork deadline is the 15th and last day of the month, so please make sure you have your hours for that portion of the week logged by 9am on that day (ex: April 15th is on a Tuesday, so please log any anticipated hours on Monday 9am and Tuesday 9am—a pain, I know. Also, if the 15th or last day of the month falls on a weekend or UT holiday, please submit it by 9am on the last business day before then--ex: March 15 is a Saturday, so if you could submit by Friday the 14th at 9am would be great!)

Note: If you have appointments in two programs, you will see two timesheets.  If you have three appointments, you'll see three time sheets, etc.  Different programs may not be all using this system, so please just use this system for your PLUS appointment (ironically showing up as "position title: tutor (undergraduate) (1031EL)") unless otherwise instructed.

3) click on save and send button

*Conduct preceptor mid semester training based off of areas of growth noted in observations.

during your weekly planning meetings weeks of March 24 and 31

*Sign up for round two observations; consider observing preceptors who are NOT your own. 

complete by Friday, March 28

*Sign up for at least two HELP NEEDED times for Round two (email me if that's impossible given your schedule). 

complete by Monday, March 31


*Upload your observations (observations folder) and all current agendas (prof you're supporting folder) to Box

ongoing, before May 2


*Who wants to be the poster child for PLUS?  Ask your preceptors and professor if they're okay with getting their pictures taken for Facebook advertising (during both study groups and wpms).  Also ask your professors if they would be willing to be taped discussing why they use PLUS (ex questions: what is your time investment in PLUS?  What are the benefits to you and your students?  What would you say to other faculty considering using PLUS in their course?) as an advertisement for potential future faculty interested in PLUS.  Look for follow up emails from our Social Media Goddess, Maegan Kemp, regarding all of this as well.

complete by your SP meeting the week of March 3 (but the sooner the better!–let Maegan and Leta know)


**sign up for second round of observations (flexible start) March 23-April 27.  Provide all preceptors with verbal or written feedback on what they're doing well, and 1-2 specific ways they can improve.  Use the observation rubric as a starting ground to identify strengths and areas for improvement, but do not show the scored sheet to them (it was not in it's current state by preceptor training, and since the whole purpose of these observations is to improve the preceptors skills the rubric might feel evaluative instead of constructive).  Upload those observation documents in the Box observation folder.

complete by April 27

*Take pictures during your observations (if you+others are comfortable with that–if that would create a weird dynamic, never mind).  Put in Pictures folder in box.


*last timesheet due Monday! Hurray!

*please mark your calendars for May 5, Monday, 11:30-12:30 in FAC 332 for an appreciation luncheon.  If you didn't mark on the sheet during SP meetings this week, please let me know what you want from taco deli (menu here) by Monday, April 28 to ensure you'll get exactly what you want.

*Our room reservations stop next Friday, May 2.  If preceptors want to hold study groups after May 2 that's great, just let me know by May 2 what days/times/locations (or approximate number of estimated attendees to get an appropriate room size) would be best for you and I'll confirm we can get them.

*End of the semester means surveys for all! Please advertise the student survey on blackboard/canvas/and ask professor to ask students to take it, if you're having  a (social?) wpm next week please take ~10 minutes for all preceptors to fill out theirs, and complete yours by May 16 (but earlier is better).  I'll be sending out an additional legacy report (word editable) today to gather information on the specifics of working with your course and professor to pass on to the next SP for the course—you are the institutional memory of the experiences of working in with your particular course and professor--please leave your legacy for others to build upon!

For all students (even if they didn't attend any PLUS sessions) in PLUS supported courses:

For preceptors:

For you to take:
Legacy reports for you, please upload to box 'legacy report' folder, by May 16th.

*upload observation forms.  super congrats on all the efficiency of observations!  I think we just have two groups that are still needing to be signed up for round two (Wed 5 and 5:30 and Sunday 4 and 6), please help out if you can.  Don't forget to upload the documents into box and provide some (verbal or written) feedback to the preceptors you observed.




*Please advertise end of semester surveys for all to take and post as soon as possible:

For all students in PLUS supported courses:

For preceptors:

For you to take:

These surveys will be open until June 2, but please encourage all students to take before May 2 when classes end.  Consider taking 10 minutes in the last wpm to ask preceptor to complete their survey, and if the professor is conducting online end of course surveys, incorporate the link for all students as well.

I will send you an electronic copy of the legacy report next week, and we'll have time at our end of semester celebration on May 5th, 11:30-12:30 in FAC 332 to talk about it.  Think tacos--if you have particular food requests let me know please!  Carrot juice?  All possible, just let me know.
 you and your legacy, etc).  

*Email the class you're supporting asking for input (all student survey above) and promoting the last few weeks of study groups.  Consider including our new graphic.

*All our room reservations end in 2 weeks, on May 2.  If you and your preceptors want to hold a pre final study time that's great!  Please just let me know during our SP meeting next week what days/times/room size and approximate location you want.

*encourage preceptors to talk to their professors if they would like to see PLUS in a course…especially organic chem. 

*sign up for second round of observations, fill in help needed, and pick up two help needed slots (flexible start) March 23-April 27—consider observing preceptors who are not yours. Sign up for your (preceptor) number on Round 2 tab on document in box by Wednesday, April 2.  Big thanks to George for signing up and meeting the original deadline!!

*Please take a picture of your wpm doing an activity and upload to Box in the pictures folder—these will be put on PLUS facebook.  Thank you George and Kira for doing this!


*preceptor to senior preceptor application window open April 7-May 14.  SP comments on Preceptor application due by May 14.  If you are going out of town please let applying preceptors know and set an earlier deadline to be able to complete recommendation by the time you no longer have internet access.

*last day of study groups is May 2. If you want to continue to host study groups and need a room, please just let Leta know.

*legacy reports due by May 15–share your words of wisdom with the next set of SPs!




Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at