Responsibility and Respect

SP Priorities Timeline

Complete before SP training:

  • I-9 Documents
  • Plug into Social Media

Complete before Preceptor training:

  • Touch base with Prof
  • Establish meeting times
  • Touch base with preceptors
  • Touch base with class via BB

Complete before first study group:

  • Establish agenda for first meeting and first study group with professor
  • Reinforce training points in meeting one
  • All social media requirements

Complete by ______ date (Observations stuff):

  • Download observation forms
  • Fill out google doc of rooms and times
  • Turn in observations electronically to Leta by ______
  • All social media requirements

Complete by ______ date (Observations stuff round 2):

  • Download observation forms
  • Fill out google doc of rooms and times
  • Turn in observations electronically to Leta by ______
  • All social media requirements

Complete by end of semester:

  • Thank preceptors
  • Thank professor
  • Lunch with Leta and other SPs
  • All social media requirements
  • Turn in recommendations for preceptors applying to be SPs

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at