Responsibility and Respect

Social Media Post Dates for Senior Preceptors

Task to be completed throughout semester:

       Before August 28th: All SPs "follow" PLUS on Twitter and "like" PLUS on Facebook

       Throughout the semester: All SPs retweet when applicable

          ?   (i.e. PLUS tweet states "retweet if...")

       September 9th: email preceptors reminding them to encourage students in study groups to like/follow PLUS

       September 19th: email preceptors inquiring if there are any particular areas of concern that the preceptors would like SPs to watch for during observation

       October 7th: Post helpful information (bullet point, interesting quote, etc.) on Facebook wall related to training session with preceptors.

          ?   For example: What is assertiveness? Three bullet points.

       October 16th: Comment on post the ways in which PLUS has benefit you.

       October 21st: email preceptors about applying to be SPs.

          ?    Remind them to give it a try even as just an exercise because it is good practice.

       November 18th: email preceptors and professors thanking them for all they do during Preceptor Appreciation Week

       December 22nd: email preceptors and professors again to thank them for their work this semester.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at