Add a Valuation

Add a Valuation

Step-by-step guide

  1. Within the object record, click on the Object Valuation node on the left.
  2. Click on the blue down arrow and select Add New Valuation: 
  3. The Add New Valuation window will appear: 
  4. Select the Valuation Purpose from the dropdown list.
  5. Set the Stated Date and Exchange Rate Date. If the value is in US dollars and there is no exchange rate, set the Exchange Rate Date to the same as the Stated Date. This is required.
  6. Complete the value fields:
    1. Select the Currency (required even for US $).
    2. Enter the value in the Currency Value field.
    3. If the currency is US $, leave the Exchange Rate at 1. If it is not US $, enter the exchange rate in this field.
    4. Click the magic wand to fill in the Local Value. If the currency is US $, it will automatically populate with the value entered in the Currency Value field.
  7. Link the appropriate constituent record in the Appraiser field.
    1. If the Appraiser does not already have a constituent record in the database, you will need to add this new constituent record before you can link them to the valuation.
  8. Add notes in the Valuation Notes field (optional). 
  9. Click add to complete.